Agenda Item   



                                                                                                                        ASR Control  23-000781




legal entity taking action:

Board of Supervisors

board of supervisors district(s):


SUBMITTING Agency/Department:

OC Public Works   (Approved)

Department contact person(s):

Fiona Man (714) 647-3953 



Melissa Pasa (714) 647-3977



Subject:  Approve Agreement for Gilbert Street Improvements at Railroad Crossing Project


      ceo CONCUR

County Counsel Review

Clerk of the Board


Approved Agreement to Form




3 Votes Board Majority




    Budgeted: Yes

Current Year Cost:   See Financial Impact Section

Annual Cost: See Financial Impact Section




    Staffing Impact:


# of Positions:            

Sole Source:   N/A

    Current Fiscal Year Revenue: N/A

   Funding Source:     See Financial Impact Section

County Audit in last 3 years: No

   Levine Act Review Completed: N/A


    Prior Board Action:         6/6/2023 #11, 7/27/2021 #10






Approve Public Highway At-Grade Crossing Agreement between the County of Orange and Union Pacific Railroad Company for the construction, use, maintenance and repair of the Gilbert Street Improvements at Railroad Crossing (Phase 2) Project, in the one-time amount not to exceed $722,631 to execute the Project and annual maintenance costs of $11,444, effective upon Board of Supervisors approval and shall continue in full force and effect for as long as the Roadway remains on the Railroad's property.



Authorize the Director of OC Public Works or designee to execute future amendments to the Public Highway At-Grade Crossing Agreement, provided those amendments do not increase a financial obligation on the part of the County of Orange by more than 25 percent of the original agreement amount with a maximum increase of $200,000.



Approve and accept the Nonexclusive At-Grade Easement Deed for Parcel Z58-252 from Union Pacific Railroad Company for the transfer of the easement rights.



Return the executed documents to OC Public Works for further processing. 







Approval of the Public Highway At-Grade Crossing Agreement between the County of Orange and Union Pacific Railroad and approval and acceptance of the Nonexclusive At-Grade Easement Deed for the construction and post-construction maintenance responsibilities of the Gilbert Street Improvements at Railroad Crossing (Phase 2) Project that will support pedestrian and traffic safety.






The Gilbert Street Improvements at Railroad Crossing (Phase 2) Project is located at the intersection of Gilbert Street and Pacific Place, about 40 feet south of the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) railroad crossing, within unincorporated Orange County and the City of Stanton shown on Project Location Map (Attachment A). The Project is included in the OC Public Works 7-Year Capital Improvement Program FY 2023-24 through FY 2029-30 adopted by the Board of Supervisors (Board) on June 6, 2023.


In 2016, OC Public Works completed a road diet project on Gilbert Street to improve the roadway configuration from a 4-lane to a 3-lane roadway with dedicated bike lanes, herein referred to as the Gilbert Street Improvements (Phase 1) Project (Project). Subsequently, the California Public Utilities Commission contacted OC Public Works, stating that the uncontrolled left turn movement from Pacific Place could be a potential hazard due to the intersection’s proximity to the railroad tracks and the frequency of school buses accessing the Magnolia School District’s Maintenance, Operations and Transportation Service Center. OC Public Works conducted a traffic study at the intersection in compliance with the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. The study recommended new traffic signal control at the intersection of Gilbert Street and Pacific Place. On July 27, 2021, the Board adopted Resolution No. 21-087 to establish traffic signal control at the intersection of Gilbert Street and Pacific Place.


The Project will install new traffic signals at this intersection with railroad grade crossing protection devices, including new railroad crossing gates and raised center medians, new Americans with Disabilities Act compliant curb ramps and sidewalks and asphalt roadway and concrete railroad panel restoration. These improvements will enhance traffic flow for vehicles, discourage vehicles from circumventing the lowered railroad gates and improve the pedestrian path of travel.


Implementing these improvements requires UPRR and the County of Orange (County) to enter into a cooperative Public Highway At-Grade Crossing Agreement (Agreement), Attachment B. The Agreement stipulates the construction and maintenance responsibilities of both entities. The County is solely responsible for all Project costs. UPRR has agreed to grant the County the additional easement rights to facilitate the construction of the Project per the Nonexclusive At-Grade Easement Deed (Easement), Attachment C. Upon execution of the Agreement, the County will pay $66,025 to obtain rights from UPRR to execute the Project.


UPRR will perform construction on the railroad tracks and panels and the County will perform all remaining work. UPRR construction costs are estimated at $656,606 for their portion of work, but actual costs won’t be known until construction bids are received. UPRR will also perform maintenance of the signal system and roadway surface between the track tie ends within the crossing, for a total ongoing, annual fee of $11,444. The annual maintenance costs are estimated by UPRR based upon material and force account estimates and following the American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association cost indexes.


OC Public Works is recommending Board approval of Agreement MA-080-24010466 between the County and UPRR for the Project, effective upon Board approval through the day the at grade public road crossing over Gilbert Street remains on UPRR property; requesting delegated authority to the Director of OC Public Works or designee to execute future amendments to the Agreement, provided those amendments do not increase financial obligations on the part of the County by more than 25 percent of the original Agreement amount with a maximum increase of $200,000; and approval and acceptance of the Easement for Parcel Z58-252 from UPRR for the transfer of road easement rights.


The delegated authority to the Director of OC Public Works or designee to execute amendments to the Agreement under certain conditions is in alignment with the 2020 Design and Construction Procurement Policy Manual, Sections 3 and 4 for Changes, Amendments and Extensions for OC Public Works Architect-Engineer Service Contracts and Construction Contracts, as UPRR will be providing OC Public Works design and construction services to implement these improvements.


The County’s portion of the construction for the Project will be solicited utilizing the Design-Bid-Build Project Delivery Method and OC Public Works will return to the Board for approval of a contract for construction services at a later date.


General Plan Conformity: The proposed Project is in conformance with the City of Stanton’s General Plan.


Compliance with CEQA: The proposed Project was previously determined to be Categorically Exempt from CEQA pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Sections 15301 and 15303 (Class 1 and 3) because the exemptions provide for maintenance of existing streets and installation of electrical and other utility extensions and street improvements. The Notice of Exemption was filed with the OC Clerk-Recorder on July 28, 2021. The proposed Project is still consistent with this determination.






Appropriations for this Agreement are included in Fund 174, OC Road – Capital Improvement Projects, FY 2023-24 Budget and will be included in the budgeting process for future years.


Upon execution of the Agreement, the County will pay $66,025 to obtain rights from UPRR to execute the Project. The County is solely responsible for all Project costs, including an estimated $656,606 for UPRR's portion of work, but actual costs won’t be known until construction bids are received.


Ongoing annual maintenance costs of $11,444 will be included in future Fund 115, OC Road, recommended budgets. These annual fees may be re-established every five years to account for escalation.


The Railroad, if it so elects, may terminate this Agreement effective upon delivery of written notice to the County in the event the County does not commence construction on the portion of the Project located on the Railroad’s property within 12 months from the effective date. Upon the completion of the Project, the Agreements shall terminate and the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall govern the use, maintenance and repair of the roadway.









Attachment A - Project Location Map
Attachment B - Public Highway At-Grade Crossing Agreement MA-080-24010466
Attachment C - Nonexclusive At-Grade Easement Deed for Parcel Z58-252
Attachment D - Real Estate Acquisition Questionnaire