Agenda Item   



                                                                                                                        ASR Control  23-000331




legal entity taking action:

Board of Supervisors

board of supervisors district(s):

All Districts

SUBMITTING Agency/Department:

Health Care Agency   (Approved)

Department contact person(s):

Regina Chinsio-Kwong (714) 834-2729 



Debra Baetz  (714) 834-2830



Subject:  Approve Contracts for Health Promotion for Public Health Services


      ceo CONCUR

County Counsel Review

Clerk of the Board


Approved Agreement to Form




3 Votes Board Majority




    Budgeted: Yes

Current Year Cost:   $3,000,000

Annual Cost: FY 2024-25 $4,000,000




    Staffing Impact:


# of Positions:            

Sole Source:   No

    Current Fiscal Year Revenue: N/A

   Funding Source:     FED: 57% (Immunization Assistance Program), State: 43% (Future of Public Health)

County Audit in last 3 years: No

   Levine Act Review Completed: Yes


    Prior Board Action:         N/A






Approve the selection of and Contract with Abrazar, Inc. for provision of Health Promotion for Public Health Services for the term January 8, 2024, through June 30, 2025, in an amount not to exceed $1,838,200, renewable for three additional one-year terms.



Approve the selection of and Contract with Latino Center for Prevention & Action in Health and Welfare dba Latino Health Access for provision of Health Promotion for Public Health Services for the term January 8, 2024, through June 30, 2025, in an amount not to exceed $2,050,300, renewable for three additional one-year terms.



Approve the selection of and Contract with Multi-Ethnic Collaborative of Community Agencies for provision of Health Promotion for Public Health Services for the term January 8, 2024, through June 30, 2025, in an amount not to exceed $1,979,600, renewable for three additional one-year terms.




Approve the selection of and Contract with National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence – Orange County dba Partners4Wellness for provision of Health Promotion for Public Health Services for the term January 8, 2024, through June 30, 2025, for an amount not to exceed $1,131,900, renewable for three additional one-year terms.



Authorize the County Procurement Officer or Deputized designee to execute Contracts with Abrazar, Inc., Latino Center for Prevention & Action in Health and Welfare dba Latino Health Access, Multi-Ethnic Collaborative of Community Agencies and National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence – Orange County dba Partners4Wellness as referenced in the Recommended Actions above.







Approval of the selection of and Contracts with Abrazar, Inc., Latino Center for Prevention & Action in Health and Welfare dba Latino Health Access, Multi-Ethnic Collaborative of Community Agencies and National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence – Orange County dba Partners4Wellness will support the Health Care Agency’s strategy to equitably utilize public health resources by maintaining ongoing healthcare messaging and promotion and offering outreach and engagement services to communities in Orange County.






As Orange County and the HCA address the co-occurrence of communicable, chronic, and vaccine preventable diseases such as flu, heart disease, diabetes and monkeypox, the need for robust systems providing credible information and service linkage is essential.

Significant health disparities exist in Orange County, particularly affecting communities of color and those with fewer resources [Healthy Places Index, 2022; California Department of Education, 2018-19; CDC WONDER, 2018-20; California Health Interview Survey, 2019-2021]. These disparities are influenced by social determinants of health and language barriers [US Census Bureau, 2016-20]. Community-based organizations (CBOs) are well-positioned to address these issues due to their community understanding, language proficiency, and cultural competence. Supported by data, a contract with CBOs for public health outreach in Orange County is expected to improve our reach with addressing health threats and improving awareness and education among vulnerable populations.


On March 22, 2023, the Health Care Agency (HCA) released a Request for Proposals (RFP) in the County’s online bidding system to solicit proposals from qualified providers for Health Promotion for Public Health Services. The RFP included the County’s intent to award contracts to multiple qualified proponents whose proposal was determined to be the most responsive to the requirements of the RFP. HCA received five proposals by the deadline of April 19, 2023, from Abrazar, Inc. (Abrazar), Latino Center for Prevention & Action in Health and Welfare dba Latino Health Access (LHA), Multi-Ethnic Collaborative of Community Agencies (MECCA), Mercy Health and National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence – Orange County dba Partners4Wellness (Partners4Wellness) Based upon pre-established rating criteria for scoring Abrazar, LHA, MECCA, and Partners4Wellness are being recommended for contract award. The decision to not choose the fifth provider was based on a comprehensive evaluation of their proposal. The provider scored significantly lower compared to other contenders in key areas of the evaluation. No protest or objection was received during the protest period from any of the other RFP respondents. The Orange County Preference Policy is not applicable to these contracts. HCA plans to issue a solicitation to continue services at conclusion of the proposed contract term.

Proposal Evaluation Process

A standard evaluation panel, comprised of one HCA manager and two non-HCA County managers with subject matter expertise, was recruited to evaluate proposals received. Evaluation panel members independently rated the proposals using the following criteria and possible maximum points:

Evaluation Criteria

Maximum Points

Experience and Qualifications

15 points


25 points

Performance Objectives

20 points


15 points


5 points


10 points


10 points

Total Maximum Points:




Average Score









Mercy Health



The evaluation panel deemed the proposals submitted by Abrazar, LHA, MECCA and Partners4Wellness to be the most responsive based on their experience and services to be provided. See Attachment E for RFP scoring.



Scope of Services


The CBO contracts are structured as a hybrid model. Public health messaging and health promotion services will be based on actual costs, while public health outreach, referral, and linkage to services will be fee-for-service. This arrangement aims to optimize resource allocation and cost-effectiveness in delivering comprehensive health services to the community.

The contractors are specifically requested to utilize channels such as presentations, door-to-door engagement, social media outreach, or participation in community events to distribute PHS messaging, educational, and health promotion materials, including flyers and brochures. To track the effectiveness of the contract, PHS will implement the following measures:



The contractors will indicate the referral source on the referral


PHS will monitor click-through rates, impressions, reach, views and engagement.


PHS will review historical data on previous outreach or service initiatives to analyze the effectiveness of this contract.


The contractors will employ validated tools and conduct surveys to assess changes in participants knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and practices over time.


The contractors will maintain records of services rendered.


1.         Public Health Messaging and Health Promotion


The selected contractors are expected to engage the community in services and programs aimed at improving health outcomes for vulnerable populations. Additionally, they will collaborate in the co-development, provision and dissemination of culturally relevant, linguistically appropriate translation materials and services for HCA initiatives. This includes addressing the needs of monolingual non-English speakers and responding to their inquiries on public health topics in languages commonly spoken in Orange County such as Spanish, Vietnamese, Korean, Chinese, Arabic and Farsi. Furthermore, contractors will work to enhance community access to public health information and resources while promoting health literacy through a diverse range of outreach and engagement events. Lastly, they are tasked with effectively disseminating the County's public health initiatives through various messaging channels as prescribed by HCA.


2.         Public Health Outreach, Referral and Linkage to Services


The contractors are expected to play a multifaceted role, including providing contact information to community members for eligible/relevant Public Health Services (PHS) programs, distributing PHS messaging and health-promotion materials such as flyers and brochures. They will also support community members in accessing resources, offering troubleshooting and translation support for online resource registration. Furthermore, contractors will serve as HCA resource referral centers and provide counseling and peer support services. They will facilitate translation and interpretation services, host health education workshops and organize healthcare promotion events and engagements aligned with Agency initiatives. An important requirement is ensuring that all health education and outreach events, activities and materials include referral information for PHS programs, creating a seamless flow of information and access to essential services.


Key Performance Indicators

A set of appropriate Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) have been negotiated with each of the four contractors. The anticipated KPIs for each contractor will demonstrate significant variations. These variations can be attributed to the unique funding allocations, individually negotiated rates, capacity and budget constraints specific to each provider. Each contractor will function within its own unique financial framework, adapting their strategies and expected outcomes to align with the available resources aimed at advancing the goals of promoting public health messaging, health promotion, outreach and engagement. Given the integral relationship between these contracts and translation and language access resources, PHS ensures the precision and quality of content translated into threshold languages, aligned with the County’s Language Access Policy, dated 12/11/2020, by mandating PHS’s review and approval of all materials. Furthermore, PHS requires contractors to provide quarterly reports on the translation and interpretation services they have rendered. These reports must detail the languages utilized and the locations where services were provided, thereby fostering the dissemination of accurate information across diverse communities.


KPIs (see attached Contracts, Exhibit A, Paragraph V. SERVICES for metrics per provider):




Resource Referral Centers:


Maintain a comprehensive record of individuals assessed for necessary services.


Track referrals made, and connections established with HCA programs and community        healthcare/service providers.


Record key details, including the type of need, support provided, referred services, zip codes of individuals' cities, assessment/referral date and time, assessor's name, and contact information of referred service providers.


Document referral outcomes, individuals' feedback, and any identified barriers to service access.



Counseling and Peer Support Services:



Keep records of counseling and peer support, noting concerns, type of support, referred services, zip codes, assessment/referral details, assessor's name, and contact information of referred service providers.



Include outcomes, individuals' feedback, and identified barriers.



Conduct HCA-approved customer satisfaction surveys, assessing service quality, accessibility, effectiveness, comfort, safety, and overall satisfaction.


Health Education Workshops:



Implement behavior change interventions targeting key health behaviors.



Monitor the reach and participation of workshops.



Use validated tools and surveys to assess changes in participants’ knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and practices over time.


Dissemination of Public Health Initiatives:



Collaborate with community partners to implement health improvement initiatives, including immunization outreach and education.



Evaluate the impact of initiatives on community health indicators.



Submit quarterly reports detailing activities and outcomes, including metrics such as impressions, reach, views, link clicks, and engagement.


Number of one-on-one/door-to-door interactions.


Number of small-targeted group events that are geared to a specific group with specific resources or information available.


Number of large community group events related to vulnerable populations and communities experiencing inequity – open to all community members with a variety of services available.


Number of small group health education session with a listed priority population that covers a relevant or emerging public health topic, agency program or initiative for each event – minimum of 5 participants, up to 19 participants.


Number of large group health education sessions with a listed priority population that covers a relevant or emerging public health topic, agency program or initiative for each event – minimum of 20 or more participants.


Number of Individuals assessed for service and/or resource need.


Number of Individuals referred to services and/or resources


Number of Individuals linked to services and/or resources.


HCA staff have conducted due diligence and Reference Checks were satisfactory and completed with the following organizations:



Orange County United Way, California Community Foundation, Asian American Senior Citizens Service Center


AltaMed Health Services Corporation, Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian, Orange County Community Foundation


Community Health Initiative of Orange County, 2-1-1 Orange County, Be Well Orange County


New Alternatives, Inc., COA-Community Outreach Alliance, Behavioral Health Justice Intervention Services


The Contractors' performance has been confirmed as satisfactory. HCA staff has verified there are no concerns that must be addressed with respect to ownership/name, litigation status or conflicts with County interest.


The proposed Contracts include subcontractors. See Attachment F for information regarding subcontractors and Contract Summary Forms.


HCA requests your Honorable Board of Supervisors approve the selection of and Contracts with Abrazar, LHA, MECCA and Partners4Wellness for provision of Health Promotion for Public Health Services, as referenced in the Recommended Actions.






Appropriations for these Contracts are included in the Budget Control 042 FY 2023-24 Budget and will be included in the budgeting process for future years.


Should services need to be reduced or terminated due to lack of funding, these Contracts contain language that allows HCA to give 30 days’ notice to either terminate or renegotiate the level of services provided.  The notice will allow HCA adequate time to transition or terminate services to clients, if necessary.












Attachment A - Contract MA-042-24010457 for Health Promotion for Public Health Services with Abrazar, Inc.
Attachment B - Contract MA-042-24010298 for Health Promotion for Public Health Services with Latino Center for Prevention & Action in Health and Welfare dba Latino Health Access
Attachment C - Contract MA-042-24010456 for Health Promotion for Public Health Services with Multi-Ethnic Collaborative of Community Agencies
Attachment D - Contract MA-042-24010458 for Health Promotion for Public Health Services with National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence – Orange County dba Partners4Wellness
Attachment E – Individual Score Sheets with RFP Questions
Attachment F - Contract Summary Forms