Agenda Item   



                                                                                                                        ASR Control  23-001150




legal entity taking action:

Board of Supervisors

board of supervisors district(s):


SUBMITTING Agency/Department:

OC Public Works   (Approved)

Department contact person(s):

Fiona Man (714) 647-3953 



Steve Carrillo (714) 955-0129



Subject:  Approve Amendment No. 2 to Extend Contract for Silverado Canyon Road Bridge


      ceo CONCUR

County Counsel Review

Clerk of the Board


Approved Agreement to Form

Consent Calendar



3 Votes Board Majority




    Budgeted: Yes

Current Year Cost:   See Financial Impact Section

Annual Cost: See Financial Impact Section




    Staffing Impact:


# of Positions:            

Sole Source:   No

    Current Fiscal Year Revenue: N/A

   Funding Source:     Fund 174: 100%

County Audit in last 3 years: No

   Levine Act Review Completed: Yes


    Prior Board Action:         6/6/2023 #11, 5/24/2022 #5, 6/25/2019 #53, 1/15/2013 #27




Authorize the Director of OC Public Works or designee to execute Amendment No. 2 to extend the contract with Dokken Engineering, Inc. for Architect-Engineer Design & Environmental Services for Bridge No. 55C0177 in Silverado Canyon, effective June 25, 2019, through June 24, 2026, with no contract cost increase, for a cumulative total amount not to exceed $390,455.







Approval of Amendment No. 2 to extend the contract for Architect-Engineer Design & Environmental Services for Bridge No. 55C0177 in Silverado Canyon for replacement over Silverado Creek to enhance public access, health and safety.






The Silverado Canyon Road Bridge (Bridge) Replacement over Silverado Creek (Project) is located in the unincorporated Silverado Community in Orange County. Silverado Canyon Road is a rural, paved two-lane roadway that provides access to the Cleveland National Forest as well as to the residential community of Silverado Canyon and community resources, such as a fire station, library and post office. The replacement of the existing Bridge over Silverado Creek is required because the Bridge, built in 1947, is considered to be functionally obsolete with a sufficiency rating of 44.6 out of 100 according to the most recent California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Bridge Inspection Report dated May 2021. A sufficiency rating is a method of evaluating highway bridge data according to the National Bridge Inventory Coding Guide.


The Bridge has been approved for grant funding for replacement under the Highway Bridge Program (HBP). On January 15, 2013, the Board of Supervisors (Board) approved the submittal of an HBP funding application for the Project. On March 14, 2013, OC Public Works received approval from Caltrans for HBP funds in the amount of $1.623 million for design, environmental services and construction for the Project. The Project consists of the removal of the existing Bridge and construction of a precast prestressed concrete voided slab bridge. The Project also involves the relocation of a waterline attached to the south end soffit of the Bridge.


On April 6, 2018, OC Public Works issued a Request for Proposals for Architect-Engineer Design & Environmental Services (Services) for the Project. An evaluation committee reviewed the responsive proposals and recommended award of a contract for Services for the Project to Dokken Engineering, Inc. (Contractor).


Prior Board and Director of OC Public Works or designee actions are summarized in the table below.





Effective Date

End Date


Board approved Contract MA-080-19010564 (Contract) with the Contractor





Amendment No. 1 to the Contract was approved administratively to increase not to exceed amount pursuant to 2020 Design and Construction Procurement Policy Manual (DCPM), Section 3.3-108(4).





Board approved OC Public Works 7-Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP), which included the Project


FY 2023-24

FY 2029-30


OC Public Works is procuring these Services in accordance with the 2020 DCPM, Section 3.3-108. The Orange County Preference Policy is not applicable to contracts procured in accordance with the DCPM.


OC Public Works is recommending Board approval of Amendment No. 2 to extend the Contract with the Sacramento County-based Contractor for Services, effective June 25, 2019, through June 24, 2026, with no cost increase, for a cumulative total amount not to exceed $390,455. The two-year extension will allow the Contractor to provide construction support services during construction of the Project.


The Contractor’s performance has been confirmed as satisfactory. OC Public Works has verified there are no concerns that must be addressed with respect to Contractor’s ownership/name, litigation status or conflicts with County interests.


An analysis was conducted to determine the benefit of contracting out versus providing Services in-house. OC Public Works has determined that contracting for Services is more cost effective and is also required for specialized bridge design expertise and understanding of the federal delivery process.


This Contract includes subcontractors. See Attachment C for information regarding subcontractors and Contract Summary Form.


Compliance with CEQA: This Project is a necessarily included element of the Project considered in Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) No. IP 21-0177, approved by the Board on May 24, 2022, for the Project, which adequately addressed the effects of the proposed Project. No substantial changes have been made in the Project, no substantial changes have occurred in the circumstances under which the Project is being undertaken and no new information of substantial importance to the Project, which was not known or could not have been known when the MND No. IP 21-0177 was approved has become known; therefore, no further environmental review is required.






Appropriations for the Project, previously approved by the Board, are included in Fund 174, OC Road Capital Improvements, FY 2023-24 Budget and will be included in the budgeting process for future years.


The Contract includes a provision stating the Contract is subject to, and contingent upon, applicable budgetary appropriations approved by the Board for each fiscal year during the term of the Contract. If such appropriations are not approved, the Contract may be immediately terminated without penalty to the County.










Attachment A - Amendment No. 2 to Contract MA-080-19010564 with Dokken Engineering, Inc.
Attachment B - Redline to Contract MA-080-19010564 with Dokken Engineering, Inc.
Attachment C - Contract Summary