Agenda Item   



                                                                                                                        ASR Control  24-000134




legal entity taking action:

Board of Supervisors

board of supervisors district(s):

All Districts

SUBMITTING Agency/Department:

Sheriff-Coroner   (Approved)

Department contact person(s):

Andrew Stephens  (714) 647-1833 



Michelle Anderson (714) 628-7059



Subject:  Unified County of Orange and Orange County Operational Area Emergency Operation


      ceo CONCUR

County Counsel Review

Clerk of the Board


No Legal Objection




3 Votes Board Majority




    Budgeted: N/A

Current Year Cost:   N/A

Annual Cost: N/A




    Staffing Impact:


# of Positions:            

Sole Source:   N/A

    Current Fiscal Year Revenue: N/A

   Funding Source:     N/A

County Audit in last 3 years: No

   Levine Act Review Completed: N/A


    Prior Board Action:         11/16/2021 #13, 8/27/2019 #4, 2/14/2017 #7, 6/24/2014 #5






Adopt by Resolution the County of Orange and Orange County Operational Area Unified Emergency Operations Plan, as approved by the Emergency Management Council and the Operational Area Executive Board.



Authorize the Chairperson to execute the Letter of Promulgation.







Adoption of the County of Orange and Orange County Operational Area Unified Emergency Operations Plan (“Plan”) by proposed Resolution and the execution of the Letter of Promulgation will: provide for consistent emergency planning, operations, and recovery across the jurisdictions within Orange County; ensure that the County is in compliance with the California Emergency Services Act, local Emergency Services Ordinance, and the Orange County Operational Area Agreement; establish public policy to protect community members, critical facilities infrastructure, private property and the environment from hazards in the unincorporated areas of the County and County-owned facilities; and ensure the County's continued eligibility for disaster relief funds from the Federal and State government.






The County is required to maintain a comprehensive emergency operations plan per the California Emergency Services Act, the Orange County (OC) Ordinance (Title 3, Division 1, Article 1, Section 3-1-7), and the Orange County Operational Area Agreement. 


Prior to 2017, the County maintained two emergency operations plans. The first was a County-only plan which covered the unincorporated areas and countywide disasters where County agencies had primary responsibility or authorities. The second was an Operational Area plan where the County served as the lead organization for all jurisdictions within the County.  The County of Orange Emergency Operations Plan and the OC Operational Area Emergency Operations Plan were consolidated into a unified document (Plan) in 2017. The Plan outlines improved coordination of information amongst jurisdictions and provides for the powers, duties and functional assignments of the County of Orange emergency organization.  The Board of Supervisors (Board) adopted resolutions approving prior Unified County of Orange and Orange County Operational Emergency Operations Plans on September 30, 1997, August 3, 2014, June 24, 2014, February 14, 2017, August 27, 2019, and November 16, 2021.   


In March 2023, the Plan revision process began, including researching updates to the County hazards, updating Emergency Operations Center positions, and assessing the Plan using the Federal Emergency Management Agency Comprehensive Preparedness Guide (CPG) 101 (v.3, September 2021) and the Emergency Management Accreditation Program (EMAP) Standards.  Stakeholders, including the Emergency Management Council Subcommittee (EMC-S, all County agencies) and the Orange County Emergency Management Organization (OCEMO, all jurisdictions), participated in planning meetings and provided input into the revision. The Plan includes all annexes and procedures that were adopted from 2021 through the present.  To incorporate Whole Community planning, and to meet the intent of AB2311, the Plan and its annexes are reviewed by the Orange County Operational Area Disabilities, Access and Functional Needs Working Group as part of the revision cycle.  The revision process was completed in October 2023 and the Plan was approved by the EMC and OC Operational Area Executive Board on November 8, 2023. 


Recent legislation amended Government Code 8593.3.2, 8593.9, and 8610 to require that the California Governor's Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) review 10 county EOPs each year. The legislation also specifies items to be reviewed, requires that Cal OES provide technical assistance, and establishes a by-request Access and Functional Needs (AFN) Consultation. The Plan presented today was reviewed by Cal OES under this new process.  Cal OES, including the Office of Access and Functional Needs (OAFN), provided recommendations that were considered during the revision process.  In accordance with the requirements of the California Emergency Services Act and the Standardized Emergency Management System, the Emergency Management Council and Operational Area Executive Board approved revised Plan was sent to the California Office of Emergency Services in November 2023.


The Sheriff-Coroner Department, on behalf of the County of Orange Emergency Management Council and the Orange County Operational Area Executive Board, requests that the Board adopt the Plan by Resolution and to authorize the Chairperson to execute the Letter of Promulgation.
















Attachment A - County of Orange and Orange County Operational Area Unified Emergency Operations Plan
Attachment B - Orange County Ordinance, Title 3, Division 1, Article 1, Section 3-1-7
Attachment C - EMC and OC Operational Area Executive Board Promulgation Letter
Attachment D - Draft Resolution
Attachment E - Draft Letter of Promulgation