Agenda Item   



                                                                                                                        ASR Control  23-001161




legal entity taking action:

Board of Supervisors

board of supervisors district(s):


SUBMITTING Agency/Department:

County Executive Office   (Approved)

Department contact person(s):

Thomas Miller 714-834-6019 



Dylan Wright 714-480-2788



Subject:  City of Mission Viejo Property Exchange and Habitat Conservation Amendment


      ceo CONCUR

County Counsel Review

Clerk of the Board


Approved Agreement(s) and Resolution(s)




4/5 Vote




    Budgeted: N/A

Current Year Cost:   N/A

Annual Cost: N/A




    Staffing Impact:


# of Positions:            

Sole Source:   No

    Current Fiscal Year Revenue: N/A

   Funding Source:     N/A

County Audit in last 3 years: No

   Levine Act Review Completed: N/A


    Prior Board Action:         N/A






Make the following California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) findings:




The City of Mission Viejo as lead agency under CEQA for the Lower Curtis Park – Dirt Import and Stockpile project (State Clearinghouse # 2020080147), adopted a Mitigated Negative Declaration on September 14, 2020. The County of Orange as a responsible agency under CEQA Guidelines Section 15381, has reviewed and considered the adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared by the City of Mission Viejo and certifies that it has done so, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15050(b).




There are no significant environmental effects within the jurisdiction of the County of Orange which require a finding on the part of the County of Orange.




The circumstances of the project are substantially the same as described in the adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration (State Clearinghouse # 2020080147) and no substantial changes have been made in the project, no substantial changes have occurred in the circumstances under which the project is being undertaken, and no new information of substantial importance to the project which was not known or could not have been known when the Mitigated Negative Declaration (State Clearinghouse # 2020080147) was adopted has become known.




There are no feasible alternatives or feasible mitigation measures within the separate authority of the County of Orange to impose, which would substantially lessen or avoid any significant effect the project would have on the environment, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15096 (g)-(h).




As a responsible agency, the County of Orange is authorized, pursuant to Guidelines section 15096, to rely on the Mitigated Negative Declaration (State Clearinghouse # 2020080147) adopted by the City of Mission Viejo.



Authorize property exchange between the County of Orange and City of Mission Viejo as set forth in the attached Transfer Agreement and its respective deeds and find that the property conveyed to the City of Mission Viejo is not required for any County of Orange park use and is being conveyed to the City of Mission Viejo for continued park purposes.



Find that the parcels of real property to be received, Facility Parcel Nos. PR51A-914, PR51A-915 and PR51A-606, by the County of Orange are required for County use.



Approve amendment to the 2011 Memorandum of Implementation Agreement for the Southern Subregion Habitat Conservation Plan as set forth in the property exchange deeds and adopt Resolution to ratify the amendment.



Approve the Quitclaim Deed from the City of Mission Viejo for Facility/Parcel No.                 PR51A-914, PR51A-915 and No. PR51A-606.



Approve the Quitclaim Deed from the County of Orange to the City of Mission Viejo for Facility/Parcel No. PR51A-701.3.



Authorize and execute the Transfer Agreement, the Quitclaim Deeds and Certificate of Acceptance attached to the quitclaim deeds in substantially the form attached thereto, and any other documents necessary to complete the contemplated transaction, and to perform all activities necessary to complete the project.







Approval of the Transfer Agreement and deeds will enable a property exchange between the County of Orange and the City of Mission Viejo to facilitate the expansion of its Lower Robert A. Curtis Park, and the enrollment and unenrollment of lands into and from the Southern Subregion Habitat Conservation Plan







The County of Orange (County) received a request from the City of Mission Viejo (City) to acquire a small section of land within O’Neill Regional Park (O’Neill Park). The purpose of this request is to enable the City to expand its Lower Robert A. Curtis Park (Lower Curtis Park). In return for this land transfer, the City would provide the County with nearby City-owned property that adjoins O’Neill Park.


The City is proposing that the County quitclaim 13.84 acres of County Park property to the City, identified as Facility Parcel Number PR51A-701.3, which is currently as part of O’Neill Park (see yellow area in Attachment A), to enable the City to complete its expansion of Lower Curtis Park. The Quitclaim Deed for the County O’Neill Park property is attached as Attachment B. Since the proposed property transfer will be to another public agency for park purposes and is conditioned as such in the Quitclaim Deed, park abandonment is not required. Should the City seek to change the use of the property at any point in the future, the City must follow procedures for park abandonment.

In exchange, the City will quitclaim to the County, a 13.88-acre parcel, identified as Facility Parcel Number PR51A-606, a 2.16-acre parcel identified as Facility Parcel Number PR51A-914 and a 1.54-acre parcel to the County, identified as Facility Parcel Number PR51A-915 (see orange areas in Attachment A). The Quitclaim Deeds for the properties are attached as Attachment B, Attachment C and Attachment D. All three parcels are deed restricted for park purposes. To ensure a smooth transaction for the land transfer, the City and the County have agreed upon use of a Transfer Agreement to document details and responsibilities related to this property exchange (Attachment E).


The County O’Neill Park property is located within the boundaries of the Southern Subregion Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP). Removal of enrolled County Park property from the HCP requires approval from the property owner of the enrolled property and approval from the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) for a Minor Amendment to the HCP to offset the impacts of removing the County O’Neill Park property from the HCP. The City worked with USFWS to determine the appropriate replacement ratio for the removal of the County O’Neill Park property from the HCP and worked with both USFWS and OC Community Resources/OC Parks (OCCR/OC Parks) to determine the specific land to be exchanged, which allowed for the preparation of the Minor Amendment.

 The City prepared the Minor Amendment to the HCP, which was reviewed and accepted by OCCR/OC Parks and subsequently approved by USFWS, conditionally upon the completion of the property transfer between the City and the County. Therefore, the Minor Amendment which will unenroll the existing County property (13.84 acres) and enroll the existing City property (total of 17.58 acres) (Attachment F) will not become effective until all Quitclaim Deeds are recorded.

As part of the obligations of the HCP, the County was required to “enroll” the County Park property through recording of a Memorandum of Implementation Agreement (Memorandum) attached as Attachment G, against the property’s title. On April 19, 2011, the Board of Supervisors (Board) approved the Memorandum which enrolled the subject County O’Neill Park property into the HCP. Additionally, the Board is being requested to approve a Resolution (Attachment H) to ratify the amendment to the Memorandum for recordation purposes.

Removal of enrolled County O’Neill Park property from the HCP requires approval from the property owner of the enrolled property and approval from the USFWS for a Minor Amendment to the HCP to offset the impacts of removing the County O’Neill Park property. The City worked with USFWS to determine the appropriate replacement ratio for the removal of the County O’Neill Park property from the HCP and worked with both USFWS and OCCR/OC Parks to determine the specific land to be exchanged, which allowed for the preparation of the Minor Amendment.  Government Code Section 25365 permits the Board of Supervisors by 4/5ths vote to exchange real property with other public agencies.


The County O’Neill Park property that is to be conveyed to the City lies within the City of Rancho Santa Margarita’s boundaries. The City of Rancho Santa Margarita has acknowledged the City's project and stated that it will work cooperatively with the City of Mission Viejo in the future to discuss potential annexation and related impacts to the two cities and their respective boundaries. The City of Rancho Santa Margarita provided a letter of acknowledgement (Attachment I).






The value of the property to be received by the County was determined to be equal to or greater than the value of the property to be transferred by the County (see Attachment J), and no financial transaction will occur with the property transfer. As a result, there is no financial impact.











OCCR, OC Parks




Attachment A - Location Map
Attachment B - Quitclaim Deed – County Property – PR51A-701.3
Attachment C - Quitclaim Deed – City Property – PR51A-606
Attachment D - Quitclaim Deed – City Property – PR51A-914 & PR51A-915
Attachment E - Transfer Agreement
Attachment F - HCP Minor Amendment and USFWS Approval Memo
Attachment G - Memorandum of Implementation Agreement Amendment
Attachment H - Resolution for Amendment to Implementation Agreement
Attachment I - Rancho Santa Margarita Acknowledgement Letter
Attachment J - Valuation Analysis
Attachment K - Real Estate Conveyance Questionnaire
Attachment L - Real Estate Acquisition Questionnaire
Attachment M - Government Code Section 25365