Agenda Item   



                                                                                                                        ASR Control  23-001112




legal entity taking action:

Board of Supervisors

board of supervisors district(s):

All Districts

SUBMITTING Agency/Department:

Sheriff-Coroner   (Approved)

Department contact person(s):

Andrew Stephens  (714) 647-1833 



Stephanie Callian  (714) 834-6380



Subject:  Renew Amendment Number One with Idemia Identity & Security USA LLC Contract


      ceo CONCUR

County Counsel Review

Clerk of the Board


Approved Agreement to Form




3 Votes Board Majority




    Budgeted: Yes

Current Year Cost:   $93,605

Annual Cost: FY 2024-25  $131,046




    Staffing Impact:


# of Positions:            

Sole Source:   Yes

    Current Fiscal Year Revenue: N/A

   Funding Source:     Fund 14E: 100%

County Audit in last 3 years: No

   Levine Act Review Completed: Yes


    Prior Board Action:         1/26/2021 #9, 1/14/2020 #20, 1/8/2019 #16, 10/31/2017 #10




Authorize the County Procurement Officer or Deputized designee to execute Amendment Number One to renew the sole source contract with Idemia Identity & Security USA LLC for maintenance of the Automated Biometric Identification System, for the term of January 27, 2024, through January 26, 2025, for an amount not to exceed $224,651, and to revise Attachments A and B to add a printer model number, renewable for one additional one-year term. 







Approval of the sole source contract with Idemia Identity & Security USA LLC will allow the Sheriff-Coroner Department to extend the current contract to maintain the Automated Biometrics Identification System. 






The Sheriff-Coroner Department’s (Sheriff) Cal-ID Bureau, within the Orange County (OC) Crime Lab, has been operating the County’s Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) for more than 20 years, providing fingerprint identification services to the County, local police departments within Orange County, the California Highway Patrol and other law enforcement agencies. AFIS is a computerized network that stores finger and palm images in an archive database and has a local searchable fingerprint database. AFIS provides access to other databases, such as the California Department of Justice statewide searchable finger and palm print databases and the Federal Bureau of Investigation AFIS. The system consists of an extensive network of hardware and software components that is maintained and operated on a 24 hours a day, 7 days per week basis. The Cal-ID Bureau is responsible for the processing and registry of fingerprints as well as the administration of the regional County fingerprint database. The services provided include identification of subjects with prior criminal histories as part of the booking process, for background investigations or for other investigative purposes; and assisting in the identification of criminals through search of latent fingerprints from crime scenes. 


Although the components of the AFIS have remained unchanged since the original installation in 1999, both user and technological demands outgrew the system. More latent examiners were using the system and more livescans were connected to the system resulting in more bookings per day. Also, during that time, law enforcement clients were requesting mobile fingerprint identification. Due to the AFIS outdated system, it was difficult to obtain replacement parts from the manufacturer. If a critical component broke down and no replacement was available, the system could have become non-functional. In addition, the technological demands on the system from the County’s AFIS customers exceeded the capacity of the previous 15 year old NEC Corporation of America AFIS system in regard to the new functionality such as multiple and interoperable biometric technologies. New functionality and interface standards have been introduced at the state and federal levels that the previous system could not support.


The OC Remote Access Network (RAN) Board is the legal governing body for the AFIS in Orange County.  Penal Code Section 11112.4 provides for the establishment of a RAN Board in each county, comprised of the Sheriff, the District Attorney, a member of the Board of Supervisors, two city police chiefs, a city mayor and an at-large member. The RAN Board facilitates, throughout the County, the placement, purchase, acceptance, delivery, maintenance and use of equipment for the Cal-ID statewide AFIS. The RAN Board receives funding for Cal-ID equipment and maintenance from the state, which is deposited in a special fund in the County Treasury.  The RAN Board approved the original procurement of the AFIS in 1999.


In 2009, the RAN Board voted to replace the aging system and the OC Crime Lab replaced the AFIS with a multi-modal automated biometric identification (ABI) system, which matches fingerprints and palm prints and supports the latest biometric interoperability standards. Biometric identity technology is defined as the recognition of individuals using biological and behavioral traits. The newly implemented ABI system was an automated identification system that can implement multiple biometric modalities and integrate with new technology, and capable of interoperability with other statewide, nationwide and international systems.


Following a competitive bid process in 2011, MorphoTrak LLC was recommended as the most responsible and responsive bidder. The following table details the recent contract history with Idemia Identity & Security USA LLC, formally known as MorphoTrak LLC (Idemia), for the purchase and maintenance of the ABI System.




Board of Supervisors (Board) Approved



 Number or





Contract Term











12/18/12 - 12/17/16


New four-year contract, with three additional one-year renewal terms.  Pursuant to the payment milestones in the contract, it was anticipated that a payment of $1,295,600 would be made during FY 2012-13, and payments totaling $5,182,400 would be made during FY 2013-14.  After the one-year warranty expired, annual sustainment payments of $199,728 were contracted for the remainder of the contract term, for a total contract amount of $7,077,184.



12/18/12 - 12/17/16


On December 8, 2015, the County and the vendor mutually agreed to insert approximately 5,400 file numbers into the ABI System and increased the contract total amount for the initial four-year term from $7,077,184 by $7,200 to $7,084,384.  Amendment Number One was approved administratively, pursuant to the delegated authority granted by the Board as reflected in the County's Contract Policy Manual, Section 3.3.



12/18/16 - 1/26/18


Renewed contract for its fifth year, modified the Scope of Work Sustainment Sections to include additional services, and extended the original contract term 40 days in order to allow the contract term coordinate with the expiration of the original warranty (i.e., January 26, 2016) and the inception of the Sustainment term under the original contract.



1/27/18 - 1/26/19


Renewed contract for its sixth year



1/27/19 - 1/26/20


Renewed contract for its seventh year and increased the contract by $650,000 for a one-time upgrade of the ABI System



1/27/19 - 1/26/20


Decreased contract by $105,000, and clarified Scope of Work



1/27/20 - 1/26/21


Renewed contract for eighth year



1/27/21 - 1/26/24


New contract issued pursuant to County's 2021 Contract Policy Manual Section 3.3.


Sheriff now requests Board approval of Amendment Number One to the sole source contract with Idemia for maintenance of the ABI System as noted in the Recommended Action. Idemia is the only company that can support or make modifications to their proprietary software. While the original contract was awarded as a result of a competitive bid process as noted above, the system is now comprised of commercial off-the-shelf hardware, Idemia's core software and custom configurations and workflows. Idemia is the developer of the original system and is the only vendor with the knowledge of the database structure, workflow engine and communication mechanisms between the database and the various applications that display, process and transmit the biometric records. Another vendor would be unfamiliar with the protected proprietary core software, custom configurations and the County of Orange business rules and processes and would be ineffective at remediating system issues. Timely remediation is critical to Sheriff police custody operations.  


Contractor performance has been confirmed as at least satisfactory. Sheriff has verified that there are no concerns that must be addressed with respect to contractor's ownership/name, litigation status or conflicts with County interests.


This contract is submitted for Board approval less than 30 days prior to the start of the contract due to negotiations with the vendor. The Orange County Preference Policy is not applicable to this sole source contract amendment renewal. This contract does not currently include subcontractors or pass through to other providers. See Attachment C for the Contract Summary Form.  






Appropriations for this contract are included in the Sheriff-Coroner's FY 2023-24 Budget for Fund 14E, Cal-ID System Costs, and will be included in the budgeting process for future fiscal years. This contract will be completely funded by revenue received by the County and administered by the RAN Board for Cal-ID system equipment and maintenance, from a $1 fee on all vehicle registrations in the County. The $1 fee is collected by the Department of Motor Vehicles statewide and disbursed to counties by the California State Controller.












Attachment A - Amendment Number One to Contract MA-060-21010012
Attachment B - Redline of the Original Contract
Attachment C - Contract Summary Form