Agenda Item   



                                                                                                                        ASR Control  23-001068




legal entity taking action:

Board of Supervisors

board of supervisors district(s):

3, 4, 5

SUBMITTING Agency/Department:

OC Community Resources   (Approved)

Department contact person(s):

Dylan Wright (714) 480-2788 



Pam Passow (714) 973-6650



Subject:  Approve Contract for Saddleback and Historical Operations Landscaping Services


      ceo CONCUR

County Counsel Review

Clerk of the Board


Approved Agreement to Form




3 Votes Board Majority




    Budgeted: Yes

Current Year Cost:   $270,667

Annual Cost: FY 2024–25 $812,001
FY 2025–26 $812,001
FY 2026–27 $541,334




    Staffing Impact:


# of Positions:            

Sole Source:   No

    Current Fiscal Year Revenue: N/A

   Funding Source:     OC Parks Fund 405: 100%

County Audit in last 3 years: No

   Levine Act Review Completed: Yes


    Prior Board Action:         4/11/2023 #19, 1/24/2023 #15, 4/12/2022 #28, 1/11/2022 #22






Find that the project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Class 1 (Existing Facilities) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15301 and Class 4 (Minor Alterations to Land) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15304.   



Authorize the County Procurement Officer or Deputized designee to execute Contract MA-012-24010168 with Mission Landscape Companies, Inc. for landscape maintenance services at various regional and historical park facilities, effective February 29, 2024, through February 28, 2027, in an amount not to exceed $812,001 annually for a three-year cumulative contract total amount not to exceed $2,436,003, with the option to renew for one additional two-year term.








Approval of Contract with Mission Landscape Companies, Inc. will support the provision of landscape maintenance services at several facilities within the Saddleback and Historical Operations units of OC Parks.





OC Community Resources/OC Parks (OCCR/OC Parks) maintains and operates various regional and historical park facilities in Orange County that require landscape maintenance services. The OC Parks Saddleback Operations Group manages facilities such as O’Neill Regional Park, Whiting Ranch McFadden House and Saddleback Gateway Park. The OC Parks Historical Operations Group manages various historic facilities, including George Key Ranch Historic Park, Heritage Hill Historical Park, Arden: Helena Modjeska Historic House and Gardens and Irvine Ranch Historic Park.


Landscape maintenance services (Services) include, but are not limited to, grass cutting operations; edging and aeration work; shrub trimming; weed control; removal of debris and dead vegetation; irrigation system maintenance; hardscape maintenance and trash collection. After an evaluation of internal resources, it was determined that it would be more cost effective to utilize contractors to perform necessary Services at these facilities. Utilizing a contractor allows park staff to focus on higher-skilled facility maintenance projects and infrastructure improvements. Additionally, Services at historic facilities require specialized and work-intensive labor to preserve the natural aesthetic of the property and ensure historically accurate preservation of landscaping, which serves as an important interpretive element, supports the historic value of the facilities and offers an immersive experience for park visitors.


OCCR/OC Parks is currently contracted with Greentech Landscape, Inc. (Greentech) for Services at Saddleback Operations facilities and with Mission Landscape Companies, Inc. (Mission) for Services at Historic Operations facilities. The following table details the recent history of OCCR/OC Parks’ contracts for Services with Greentech and Mission.




(Saddleback Operations Group)


(Historical Operations Group)



Board of Supervisors (Board) Action


Board Action



Approve contract effective March 1, 2019, through February 28, 2022, in an amount not to exceed $212,001 annually.


Approve contract effective May 24, 2019, through May 23, 2022, in an amount not to exceed $600,000 annually for a cumulative amount not to exceed $1,800,000.

Amendment 1


Renew the Contract effective March 1, 2022, through February 28, 2023, with no change to the Contract’s not-to-exceed amount or scope.

12/31/2020 (Administratively Executed)

Revised the Contract’s fee schedule to increase the unit cost of various Services with no change to not-to-exceed amount.

Amendment 2


Renew the Contract effective March 1, 2023, through February 28, 2024, with no change to the Contract’s not-to-exceed amount or scope.



Renew the Contract effective May 24, 2022, through May 23, 2023, with no change to the Contract’s not-to-exceed amount or scope.

Amendment 3




(Administratively Executed)

Revised the Contract’s fee schedule to increase the unit cost of various Services with no change to not-to-exceed amount.

Amendment 4




Renew the Contract effective May 24, 2023, through May 23, 2024, with no change to the Contract’s not-to-exceed amount or scope.


To increase efficiencies in tracking and monitoring usage, ensure quality performance and secure advantageous pricing, OCCR/OC Parks proposes to consolidate contracts for both Saddleback and Historical Operations Groups due to the similar nature of the Services and proximate locations of the facilities. A Request for Proposal for Services was posted on August 23, 2023, on Periscope Source, the County’s bidding system. Two responsive written proposals were received by the solicitation deadline of September 19, 2023. The written proposals were evaluated by a panel comprised of five subject matter experts who have experience in park maintenance, park operations, historical park maintenance and integrated pest management and sustainability.


The written proposal was rated based on the following predetermined criteria with an overall weight of 60 percent:




Approach and understanding of Scope of Work


Technical expertise, equipment and qualification







During the oral interview, the respondents were asked three predetermined questions and were rated based on predetermined criteria with an overall weight of 40 percent.


The weighted scores are summarized below. Attachment A includes the individual evaluator scores and scores for the respondents.



Written (60%)

Oral (40%)

Total (100%)

Mission Landscape Companies, Inc




Mariposa Landscapes, Inc.





Based on the total scores, the evaluation panel recommended the award to Mission. Mission is a qualified firm based in Southern California with over 50 years of experience related to the Services under the Contract. The Contract does not currently include subcontractors or pass through to other providers. See Attachment C for the Contract Summary Form. OCCR/OC Parks has verified there are no concerns that must be addressed with respect to Mission’s ownership/name, litigation status or conflicts with County interests. The Orange County Preference Policy is not applicable to this contract. No protests were received. Reference checks have been conducted with the Aliso Viejo Community Association, The Irvine Company and First Service Residential and were satisfactory.


The proposed Contract MA-012-24010168 (Contract) with Mission has a term effective February 29, 2024, through February 28, 2027, in an amount not to exceed $812,001 annually for a three-year cumulative contract total amount not to exceed $2,436,003, with the option to renew for one additional two-year term.


Compliance with CEQA: The proposed project is Categorically Exempt from the provisions of CEQA pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Sections 15301 (Class 1) and 15304 (Class 4) because the exemption provides for a contract agreement for landscape maintenance services of existing public facilities with negligible or no expansion of existing use and minor alterations in the condition of land, which do not involve removal of healthy, mature or scenic trees.






Appropriations for this Contract are included in OC Parks Fund 405 FY 2023–24 Budget and will be included in the budgeting process for future years.


The proposed Contract includes a provision stating the Contract is subject to, and contingent upon, applicable budgetary appropriations approved by the Board for each fiscal year during the term of this Contract. If such appropriations are not approved, this Contract may be immediately terminated without penalty to the County.









Attachment A — Evaluator Score Summary
Attachment B — Contract MA-012-24010168 with Mission Landscape Companies, Inc.
Attachment C — Contract Summary Form