Agenda Item   



                                                                                                                        ASR Control  23-000743




legal entity taking action:

Board of Supervisors

board of supervisors district(s):


SUBMITTING Agency/Department:

Health Care Agency   (Approved)

Department contact person(s):

Annette Mugrditchian (714) 834-5026 



Veronica Kelley (714) 834-7024



Subject:  Renewal Amendment No. 7 for Crisis Intervention Training Services


      ceo CONCUR

County Counsel Review

Clerk of the Board


Approved Agreement to Form




3 Votes Board Majority




    Budgeted: N/A

Current Year Cost:   N/A

Annual Cost: FY 2024-25 $570,836




    Staffing Impact:


# of Positions:            

Sole Source:   Yes

    Current Fiscal Year Revenue: N/A

   Funding Source:     State: 100% (Mental Health Services Act/Prop 63)

County Audit in last 3 years: No

   Levine Act Review Completed: Yes


    Prior Board Action:         2/28/2023 #30, 5/5/2020 #24






Approve Amendment No. 7 to renew the Contract with Western Youth Services for provision of Crisis Intervention Training for Public Safety Personnel Services for the term of July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025, for an amount not to exceed $570,836, for a revised cumulative total amount not to exceed $2,679,172.



Authorize the County Procurement Officer or Deputized designee to execute Amendment No. 7 to the Contract with Western Youth Services as referenced in the Recommended Action above.








Approval of Amendment No. 7 to renew the Contract with Western Youth Services for Crisis Intervention Training for Public Safety Personnel Services will continue to provide Orange County first responder agencies including: law enforcement officers, public safety dispatchers, emergency medical services personnel, firefighters and paramedics, with crisis intervention training to identify and manage behavioral health crisis issues and to respond effectively and appropriately to field-based situations.





On May 5, 2020, your Honorable Board of Supervisors (Board) approved the Contract with Western Youth Services (WYS) for provision of Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) for Public Safety Personnel Services and all other Amendments not listed in the table below were executed under Deputy Purchasing Agent delegated authority. The Health Care Agency (HCA) released a Request for Proposal for CIT for Public Safety Personnel Services on September 26, 2019, and did not receive any responses to the solicitation. In December of 2019, WYS was awarded a contract for Behavioral Health Training Services which provides behavioral health focused trainings to the general community. HCA reached out to WYS to see if they would be able to modify and/or develop curriculum focusing on training public safety personnel. Through negotiations, HCA and WYS agreed upon a scope of work that would provide Crisis Intervention Training for Public Safety Personnel, which includes but not limited to the following: sworn officers, fire/EMS personnel, jailers, probation or correctional officers, dispatchers, school safety officers, outreach workers, and other health care personnel. HCA plans to issue a solicitation prior to the contract expiration to continue services consistent with the County's OC CARES and its 2025 Vision.


Board Date




May 5, 2020


Board approved Contract

July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2023

February 28, 2023

Amendment No. 6

Board approved Contract renewal

July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024


Scope of Services

CIT provides trainings and educational sessions to first responders and others who may encounter someone experiencing a behavioral health crisis. Crisis intervention training focuses on how to effectively respond and to appropriately intervene with individuals experiencing a behavioral health crisis. Training topics include the different types of mental illnesses, substance use disorders, basic intervention techniques to de-escalate a mental health crisis and ways to help identify signs and symptoms of behavioral health challenges. CIT collaborates with law enforcement staff, Orange County behavioral health staff, clients, others with lived experience with behavioral health conditions, and subject matter experts to create, and provide tailored evidence-based trainings using a trauma-informed approach. Courses available to all first responders as described above include De-Escalation training, Mental Health First Aid, CIT for non-law enforcement dispatchers, Situational Awareness, and Vicarious Trauma, PTSD and Burnout. Courses specific to law enforcement include CIT Introduction, Intermediate, and Advanced for Supervisors, CIT for Dispatchers, CIT Refresher, and CIT for corrections/probation officers. Courses available to Fire/EMS personnel are CIT for Fire/EMS.


For the FY 2024-25 renewal period, WYS will continue to provide CIT trainings to law enforcement and first responders across Orange County. In conjunction with the Orange County Sheriff’s Department (OCSD), WYS provides the CIT for Law Enforcement I, II, and II (up to 40-hours).  WYS recently received Peace Officer Standards Training (POST) accreditation for “CIT for Supervisors” targeting law enforcement first responders in supervisory roles.


Performance Outcomes


 The breakdown by types of first responder trained in FY 2022-23, is as follows:



64 jailers, probation or correctional officers.527 other first responders. (e.g. school safety officers, outreach workers, other health care personnel)


84 law enforcement dispatchers. 64 jailers, probation or correctional officers.


527 other first responders. (e.g. school safety officers, outreach workers, other health care personnel)84 law enforcement dispatchers.



572 sworn officers.


For this renewal period, WYS will provide a minimum of 516 training hours to 1,250 first responders with minimum of 85 percent of service satisfaction from participants.


WYS continues to seek POST accreditation for their law enforcement 40-hour CIT course. WYS continues to develop and implement trainings for additional first responders across Orange County including security officers for retail stores, college campus security officers, school personnel, and others who may encounter someone experiencing a mental health crisis.


Table 2. Performance Measures


FY 2021-22


FY 2022-23

FY 2023-24

(July – Nov)

FY 2024-25

Total number of participants trained per year

Contracted Goal: 1,250


Achieved Goal: 1,563

Contracted Goal: 1,250


Achieved Goal: 1,247

Contracted Goal: 1,250


Achieved Goal: *923***

Proposed Contract Goal: 1,250

Total number of training hours per year

Contracted Goal: 500 hours


Achieved Goal: 400 hours*

Contracted Goal: 500 hours


Achieved Goal: 367 hours**

Contracted Goal: 516 hours


Achieved Goal: *127 hours***

Proposed Contract Goal: 516 hours

Participant Satisfaction

Contracted Goal: Minimum of 75% will be satisfied with services.


Achieved Goal: 97% strongly agreed or agreed they were satisfied with the trainings.


Contracted Goal: Minimum of 75% will be satisfied with services.


Achieved Goal: 97% strongly agreed or agreed they were satisfied with the trainings.

Contracted Goal: Minimum of 80% will be satisfied with services.


Achieved Goal: 96.7% strongly agreed or agreed that they were satisfied with the training.***

Proposed Contract Goal: Minimum of 85% will be satisfied with services.

*FY 2021-22 Achieved Goal was lower than contracted goal due to limitations with delivery of POST approved courses.

**FY 2022-23 Achieved Goal was lower than contracted goal due to POST preventing approval of trainings. Additionally, Fire/EMS trainings were under-attended due to limited ability for Fire/EMS personnel to attend trainings.

***FY 2023-24 Achieved Goal listed is only reporting for five months as the contract will not conclude until June 30, 2024.


This Contract is a Sole Source as WYS was the only vendor able and willing to provide the services and had experience providing the subject matter satisfactory to the County. The Orange County Preference Policy is not applicable to this Amendment.


WYS’s performance has been confirmed as satisfactory. HCA has verified there are no concerns that must be addressed with respect to WYS’s ownership/name, litigation status or conflicts with County interests.


This Contract includes subcontractors. See Attachment B for Contract Summary Form.


HCA requests that the Board approve Amendment No. 7 to renew the Contract for provision of CIT for Public Safety Personnel Services with WYS, as referenced in the Recommended Actions.






Appropriations for this Amendment will be included in the Budget Control 042 FY 2024-25 Budget.


The Contract includes provision allowing HCA to terminate the Contract, reduce the level of services, and/or renegotiate the levels of services provided, as necessary. This includes a notice that allows HCA adequate time to transition or terminate services to clients, if necessary.










Attachment A - Amendment No. 7 to Agreement MA-042-20011015 for Crisis Intervention Training for Public Safety Personnel Services with Western Youth Services
Attachment B - Contract Summary Form
Attachment C - Redline Version to Attachment A