Control 18-001139 |
10/30/18 |
to: |
Orange County Clerk of the Board |
legal entity taking action: |
Board of Supervisors |
Agency/Department: |
Supervisor Do
Department contact
person(s): |
Chris Wangsaporn (714)834-3110 |
Veronica Carpenter (714) 834-3110 |
CATEGORY: Discussion
SUbject: |
2020 Census Update and
Authorization of Participation |
1. |
Adopt resolution reflecting the County of Orange’s participation in the 2020 Census. |
2. |
Appoint a 2020 Census Planning Ad Hoc Committee to update County jurisdictional boundaries, addresses and population data, and develop an education and outreach strategy. |
3. |
Authorize the 2020 Census Planning Ad Hoc Committee to form a Complete Count Committee and identify appropriate subcommittees as may be necessary. |
4. |
Instruct County departments to participate in the 2020 Census Planning Ad Hoc Committee and Complete Count Committee, wherever appropriate, and as requested by the Chief Executive Officer or designee, including designation of a departmental representative to participate on the Planning Committee and/or the Complete Count Committee. |
As mandated by the United States (U.S.) Constitution (Article 1, Section 2), the United States Census (Census) counts every resident in the U.S. every ten years. The data collected by the decennial Census determines the number of seats each state has in the U.S. House of Representatives and is used in the redistricting of state legislatures, county boards of supervisors, and city councils. Additionally, the information the Census collects helps determine how more than $675 billion in federal funding is distributed to states and local communities each year.
For the first time, the Census will be completed primarily online. The U.S. Census staff estimates that 58 percent of the public will self-respond, while 42 percent will require follow-up. The U.S. Census Bureau and the State of California recognize that achieving a complete count will be extremely challenging. Earlier this year, the State of California allocated $90.3 million for Census outreach. Those funds will support outreach through community-based and non-profit organizations, media, local government, caseworkers and schools. The $90.3 million is expected to be used for a statewide outreach campaign and to fund local Complete Count Committees (CCC). In order to access the estimated $2-3 million in state funding, the County must establish a CCC to educate the community on the importance of the Census and to provide outreach to the Hard-to-Count populations. In the 2010 Census cycle, funding was released in two waves, the first after the submission of a county Census Strategic Plan, and the second after the submission of a county Census Implementation Plan. The funding appropriations are expected to be announced by late November and will begin to be disbursed in January of 2019.
Establishing a 2020 Census Planning Ad Hoc Committee and a County CCC are critical aspects of the 2020 Census efforts and will be essential in creating a County Census strategy, communicating the importance of the Census to the public, and ensuring the County’s complete count.