Agenda Item   



                                                                                                                        ASR Control  20-001009




legal entity taking action:

Board of Supervisors

board of supervisors district(s):

All Districts

SUBMITTING Agency/Department:

County Executive Office   (Approved)

Department contact person(s):

Jessica Witt (714) 834-7250 



Nicole Walsh (714) 834-6257



Subject:  Redistricting Support Services Contract


      ceo CONCUR

County Counsel Review

Clerk of the Board


Approved Agreement to Form

Consent Calendar



3 Votes Board Majority




    Budgeted: Yes

Current Year Cost: $75,000

Annual Cost: N/A




    Staffing Impact:


# of Positions:

Sole Source: N/A

    Current Fiscal Year Revenue: N/A

  Funding Source: GF: 100%

County Audit in last 3 years: No



    Prior Board Action: N/A






Authorize the County Procurement Officer or authorized Deputy to execute Contract with CSU Fullerton Auxiliary Services Corporation for Redistricting Support Services, for the term of December 8, 2020, through December 31, 2021, for an amount not to exceed $75,000.



Pursuant to Contract Policy Manual Section 3.4-114, authorize the County Procurement Officer or authorized Deputy to exercise a contingency contract cost increase, not to exceed a total of 10 percent of the contract amount as referenced in Recommended Actions above. The use of this contingency contract cost increase is subject to approval requirements established by the County Procurement Officer.








Approval of the Contract with CSU Fullerton Auxiliary Services Corporation will provide for Redistricting Support Services.







On July 10, 2020, the County Executive Office (CEO) issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) for Redistricting Support Services, via the County’s online bidding system, with responses due no later than August 7, 2020.


The County ultimately received four written responsive proposals to provide Redistricting Support Services that met the minimum qualifications.  The proposals were thoroughly reviewed and independently scored by an RFP evaluation panel comprised of five subject matter experts with experience in redistricting support services. The RFP evaluation panel members consisted of one expert from outside the County, and four from County departments.


The proposals were evaluated according to the following criteria:


Written Proposal - 60%

Oral Presentation - 40%

Responsiveness of Proposal/Understanding of the Scope of Work – 30%

Presentation – 30%

Firm’s Background, Qualifications and Experience of Key Personnel – 30%

Assigned Staff Responsibilities and Other Resources Available to Complete Task – 20%

Work Plan/Technical Approach – 15%

Challenges and Attributes/Responsiveness and Accessibility – 25%

Cost Proposal for required services – 25%

Approach and Strategic Planning – 25%


The results of the RFP evaluation panel’s scoring of the four written proposals was an average weighted-written score of 39.5. The RFP evaluation panel then determined to invite firms scoring above the weighted score of 37 for oral interviews.


Oral interviews of the two firms were conducted in one day, each firm responded to several questions designed to elicit information regarding the firm’s experience and background, including their approach to redistricting support services. After the RFP evaluation panel completed the scoring of the two oral interviews, the average combined weighted score was 72.05.


The RFP evaluation panel then determined that CSU Fullerton Auxiliary Services Corporation was the highest scoring firm with combined scores from the written and oral proposals.


The County Procurement Office (CPO) has conducted due diligence on the firm. Reference checks were satisfactory and completed with the following listed below:


Recommended Firm

Reference Verification

CSU Fullerton Auxiliary Services Corporation

City of Mission Viejo

Harper & Burns LLP

Irvine Ranch Water District

Municipal Water District of Orange County


In addition, the firm recommended for award has at least satisfactory past performance with the County. CPO has verified there are no concerns that must be addressed with respect to Contractors’ ownership/name, litigation status or conflicts with County interests.


The County requires qualified support for the decennial redistricting effort in 2021.  The County must adopt a redistricting ordinance no later than December 15, 2021, which includes a detailed legal description of each supervisorial district.  Once adopted, this information needs to be transmitted to the Orange County Registrar of Voters to implement for elections beginning with the June 2022 primary election.


The contractor will review redistricting proposals submitted to the County, assist in meetings and outreach efforts, create data maps for the County Redistricting Committee, use Esri ArcGIS platform system to ensure that proposals are accurate and lawful, and work side-by-side with the County redistricting team.  In addition, the contractor will provide overall staff support in the areas of census data processing and analysis, review and preparation of redistricting plans, staff support for public outreach and meetings and computer support. 


In early 2021, County staff will provide the Board of Supervisors (Board) a recommended plan for the 2021 redistricting effort. 


This contract does not include subcontractors or pass through to other providers. See Attachment C for Contract Summary Form.


Pursuant to Contract Policy Manual Section 3.4-114, it is recommended that the County Procurement Officer or authorized Deputy be authorized to exercise a contingency contract cost increase, not to exceed a total of 10 percent of the contract amount for the first year of the contract, for the entire term of the Contract, including renewals, and within the scope of work set forth in the contract. The use of this contingency contract cost increase is subject to approval requirements established by the County Procurement Officer. The contingency provision would be exercised in the event there is an increase in the projected services needed.


CEO requests the Board approve the selection of and the Contract for Redistricting Support Services with CSU Fullerton Auxiliary Services Corporation, as referenced in the Recommended Actions.






Appropriations and General Funds for this Contract are included in Budget Control 017 for the FY 2020-21 Budget, in which all associated expenses will be offset with FY 2020-21 funding.










Attachment A - Final Scoring Summary
Attachment B - Contract MA-017-21010675 with CSU Fullerton Auxiliary Services Corporation
Attachment C - Contract Summary Form