Agenda Item   



                                                                                                                        ASR Control  23-000848




legal entity taking action:

Board of Supervisors

board of supervisors district(s):

3, 5

SUBMITTING Agency/Department:

County Executive Office   (Approved)

Department contact person(s):

Douglas Becht (714) 834-5000 



Lilly Simmering (714) 834-6234



Subject:  Approve Regional Care Coordination Services Contract


      ceo CONCUR

County Counsel Review

Clerk of the Board


Approved Agreement to Form




3 Votes Board Majority




    Budgeted: Yes

Current Year Cost:   $544,056

Annual Cost: FY 2024-25 $1,033,442




    Staffing Impact:


# of Positions:            

Sole Source:   N/A

    Current Fiscal Year Revenue: N/A

   Funding Source:     State: 100% (HDAP and HHAP)

County Audit in last 3 years: No

   Levine Act Review Completed: Yes


    Prior Board Action:         9/13/2022 #15






Approve the Contract with Friendship Shelter, Inc. for Regional Care Coordination Services in the South Service Planning Area, for the term of December 15, 2023, through June 30, 2025, for an amount not to exceed $1,577,498.



Pursuant to Contract Policy Manual Section 3.4-114, authorize the County Procurement Officer or Deputized designee to exercise a contingency contract cost increase, not to exceed a total of 10 percent of the contract amounts for the first year of the contracts, for the entire term of the Contract, including renewals, and within the scope of work set forth in the contracts. The use of this contingency cost increase is subject to approval requirements established by the County Procurement Officer.



Authorize the County Procurement Officer or Deputized designee to execute the Contracts as referenced in the Recommended Actions above.








Approval of the Contract with Friendship Shelter, Inc. for Regional Care Coordination Services in the South Service Planning Area will provide targeted outreach and care coordination services to individuals experiencing unsheltered homelessness.







On February 22, 2022, the Health Care Agency issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) to seek qualified providers for the Regional Street Outreach and Care Coordination Services for each of the three Service Planning Areas (SPA). There were eight respondents to the RFP – three respondents for the North SPA, three respondents for the Central SPA and two respondents for the South SPA. An evaluation panel consisting of one HCA representative and four non-HCA representatives evaluated the proposals and recommended awarding contracts to Volunteers of America of Los Angeles (VOALA) for the North SPA and PATH (People Assisting the Homeless) (PATH) for the Central and South SPA. One protest was received on this solicitation. Upon careful review and consideration with County Counsel, the protest was deemed invalid and subsequently denied.


On September 13, 2022, the Board of Supervisors approved Contracts with VOALA and PATH for Regional Care Coordination Services.


The County Executive Office (CEO) Office of Care Coordination has determined additional need Regional Care Coordination Services for the South SPA and as such is recommending the award of contract to the second respondent for the South SPA, Friendship Shelter, Inc. (Friendship Shelter). The County Procurement Office (CPO) confirmed that although the response to the RFP was past its validity, Friendship Shelter was willing to offer their proposed pricing to the Office of Care Coordination for the South SPA.


CPO staff have conducted due diligence on Friendship Shelter. Reference checks for Friendship Shelter were completed by contracting the City of Laguna Beach, City of Mission Viejo, and OC United Way. The contract with Friendship Shelter does not include any subcontractors. See Attachment B for Contract Summary Form.


Scope of Services

Friendship Shelter will provide regional care coordination services to help engage and serve individuals experiencing unsheltered homelessness and will work with the County of Orange (County), the cities in the South SPA, and local stakeholders to address unsheltered homeless conditions in their community. Friendship Shelter will only receive referrals from HCA Mental Health and Recovery Services Outreach and Engagement (O&E) for individuals experiencing homelessness that need and qualify for comprehensive care coordination services based on needing assistance to apply for disability benefits and being high utilizer of the System of Care. Care coordination services will provide comprehensive assistance to individuals experiencing homelessness by linking them to the variety of resources designed to address the complex needs of this population and adopt a “whatever it takes” approach to reduce and eliminate barriers to service engagement and participation. This care coordination will be provided to the participant as they navigate through the County’s Systems of Care – Behavioral Health, Healthcare, Housing, Community Corrections, and Benefits and Support Services – to access appropriate services and through successful placement in permanent housing with the appropriate supportive services to ensure sustainability.


The program will include the following service elements:


Coordinate with HCA Mental Health and Recovery Services O&E to determine areas for street outreach and engagement to build relationships that provide care coordination and support in accessing services, mainstream services, homeless service programs and other resources.


Intake and assessment to determine the history of participation in other homeless service programs and collection of needed or missing information.


Case management services to ensure proper care coordination to address the needs of participants with a focus on providing support and identifying permanent housing options.


Disability benefits advocacy to support participants in filing complete and timely applications and appeals, represent individuals at administrative hearings and establish good working relationships with the Social Security Administration services providers as needed to ensure adequate representation utilizing the SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access and Recovery (SOAR) model.


Housing navigation services to support the participant in identifying available housing units and resources, completing needed forms and applications for housing.


Coordinate and collaborate with the other components of the System of Care, Orange County Continuum of Care and key stakeholders throughout the SPA to employ a multidisciplinary approach to assist participants in accessing services and/or programs.


Participate in the Care Plus Program, the System of Care Data Integration System (SOCDIS) and assist in the engagement of high utilizes of County services by gathering consent and expeditiously connecting participants to the correct service or resource cohesively by facilitating transportation.


Performance Outcomes

Friendship Shelter will provide Regional Care Coordination Services to a minimum of 100 participants in the South SPA during the term of the Contract.


The following performance measures and outcomes are expected to be achieved:


90 percent of participants will have an Individualized Housing and Service Plan within 30 calendar days of program enrollment.


90 percent of participants will be connected to the Coordinated Entry System within 30 calendar days of program enrollment. Connected to the Coordinated Entry System at minimum includes a program enrollment; however, the goal is to get program participants in the community queue as quickly as possible.


Of the participants who have a disability and are not receiving disability benefits, it is expected that 90 percent of participants will have submitted a disability benefit application or appeal within 120 days of program enrollment.


Of the disability benefit applications submitted, a minimum of 40 percent of disability benefit applications will receive approval, inclusive of initial applications, reconsideration requests and/or appeals and hearing processes.


30 percent of participants will enroll in an emergency shelter or temporary housing destination while enrolled in the program.


30 percent of participants will transition to a permanent housing destination.


50 percent of participants who move into permanent housing destinations will do so within 120 days of enrollment to the program.


50 percent of participants will have a higher income than at program entry due to employment and/or mainstream benefits.



Below is a summary of the job descriptions that will be primarily responsible for the implementation of the Regional Care Coordination Services.


Housing Coordinator provides direct care coordination to program participants, including targeted outreach, assessment, housing planning, housing navigation and referrals to community resources.


Housing Locator provides housing location services to program participants, including unit identification, property owner engagement, application assistance, and expending funds related to housing (deposits, landlord incentives, furnishings, etc.).


SOAR Specialist provides SOAR application assistance to program participants, including the completion of applications and all levels of appeals. Serves as the primary liaison between participants and the Social Security Administration.


SOAR Supervisor provides direct supervision to SOAR Specialists. Ensures that SOAR services are delivered in a manner consistent with SOAR training, agency policy and contractual requirements.


Program Manager - Provides management for the Regional Care Coordination program, including direct supervision of Housing Coordinators and the SOAR Supervisor.  Ensures that the program is meeting its required performance measures and that services are delivered in a manner consistent with agency policy and contractual requirements.



The Orange County Preference Policy does not apply to this contract award.


CEO requests the Board approve the Contract with Friendship Shelter as referenced in the Recommended Actions above. The Contract will follow the best practices, guiding principles, and commitments of the Homeless Service System Pillars Report which was created by the Commission to End Homelessness and accepted by the County of Orange Board of Supervisors on October 4, 2022.






Appropriations for this Contract are included in Budget Control 017 FY 2023-24 Budget and will be included in budgeting process for future years.


The proposed Contract includes provisions allowing CEO to terminate the Contract, reduce the level of services, and/or renegotiate the levels of services provided, as necessary. This includes a notice that allows the CEO adequate time to transition or terminate services to clients, if necessary.


This Contract will be funded by:

State: 100% (25% Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention (HHAP), 75% Housing and Disability Advocacy Program (HDAP))











Social Services Agency
Health Care Agency




Attachment A - Contract MA-017-24010367 with Friendship Shelter, Inc. for provision of Regional Care Coordination Services for South Service Planning Area
Attachment B - Contract Summary Form