Agenda Item   



                                                                                                                        ASR Control  24-000476




legal entity taking action:

Board of Supervisors

board of supervisors district(s):

All Districts

SUBMITTING Agency/Department:

County Counsel   (Approved)

Department contact person(s):

Nicole Walsh (714) 834-3300 



Justin Kirk (714) 667-1627



Subject:  Gen. Plan Amendment LU24-01, Zoning Code Amendment CA24-01 & Zone Change ZC24-01


      ceo CONCUR

County Counsel Review

Clerk of the Board


Approved Ordinance to Form

Public Hearing



3 Votes Board Majority




    Budgeted: N/A

Current Year Cost:   N/A

Annual Cost: N/A




    Staffing Impact:


# of Positions:            

Sole Source:   N/A

    Current Fiscal Year Revenue: N/A

   Funding Source:     N/A

County Audit in last 3 years: No

   Levine Act Review Completed: N/A


    Prior Board Action:         9/27/2022 #45






Find that Final Negative Declaration No. IP 22-0133 approved by the Board of Supervisors on September 27, 2022, and Addendum No. 1 to Negative Declaration No. IP 22-0133 (Attachment A) prepared for Housing-Related Updates to the County of Orange General Plan and Comprehensive Zoning Code, adequately address the effects of the Housing Related Updates, reflect the independent judgment of the County of Orange as lead agency and are approved for the proposed project based on the following additional findings:



That the circumstances of the project are substantially the same and Negative Declaration No. IP 22-0133 and Addendum No. 1 to Negative Declaration No. IP 22-0133 adequately address the effects of the proposed project; no substantial changes have been made in the project.



No substantial changes have occurred in the circumstances under which the project is being undertaken; and no new information of substantial importance to the project which was not known or could not have been known when the Negative Declaration No. IP 23-0133 and Addendum No. 1 to Negative Declaration No. IP 22-0133 were adopted has become known.



Read the Title of the Ordinance.



Order further reading of the Ordinance be waived.



Conduct public hearing.



Consider the matter and adopt Zoning Code Amendment CA 24-01 and Zone Change ZC 24-01.




Consider the matter and adopt Resolution (Attachment B) for General Plan Amendment LU 24-01.







Adoption of General Plan Amendment LU 24-01 (Land Use Element), Zoning Code Amendment CA 24-01 (Multifamily Residential Development Standards, Housing Opportunities Overlay District, and Technical Revisions), and Zone Change ZC 24-01 (Re-zoning of Specific Commercial and Multifamily Residential Parcels to Mixed-Use), will ensure compliance with state mandates to assist the County in reaching certification of the Housing Element by the State Department of Housing and Community Development.





The County of Orange (County) is in the process of completing its Housing Element (HE) Update for the 6th HE Update Cycle, as mandated by State law. The HE provides goals, policies, and objectives the County will pursue to meet its existing and projected housing needs for the eight-year planning period (2021-2029), including its allocation of the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) assigned by Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG). The County’s RHNA allocation for this 6th Cycle HE is 10,406 units. Though the County is required to identify areas with adequate zoning to accommodate this future growth, the County is not required to develop these housing units.


On September 28, 2023, OC Development Services and County Counsel received the third round of comments on the revised HE Update from Housing and Community Development (HCD) (Attachment D).  Since receiving the September 2023 Comment Letter, OC Development Services and County Counsel have been revising the HE Update to address HCD comments from their September 2023 letter and to account for legal requirements, specifically compliance with portions of Government Code Section 65583.2 (Attachment L). Section 65583.2 requires re-zoning to a minimum density of 30 dwelling units per acre (du/ac) for certain non-vacant properties that the County identified in the HE’s Site Inventory to meet the RHNA allocation for lower income units.


To meet the County’s RHNA obligations for lower-income units, County Counsel and OC Development Services are proposing to rezone commercial and residential professional zoned properties to “Mixed Use” and amend the minimum densities for multifamily residentially and mixed-use zoned properties if the properties are: (1) currently nonvacant; and/or (2) planned to be used to meet our lower income RHNA obligations. County Counsel and OC Development Services propose rezoning Multifamily and Mixed-Use properties to a minimum 30 du/ac as selecting those properties is less impactful than rezoning single family residential properties. Multifamily and Mixed-Use properties already have greater maximum du/ac (at 45 du/ac for Multifamily properties and 70 du/ac for those properties becoming Mixed-Use that were already subject to the Housing Opportunities Overlay (HOO)).


These rezonings are required to demonstrate to HCD that the County has realistic capacity to meet the RHNA obligations and to comply with the minimum densities required by Government Code Section 65583.2.  Minimum densities for rezoned properties must be at 30 du/ac because the County is a metropolitan jurisdiction pursuant to Government Code Section 65583.2.


As noted in HCD’s September 2023 Comment Letter, Government Code Section 65583.2, subdivisions (c) and (h), require that, to be considered realistic capacity to meet the County’s RHNA obligations in the Site Inventory, base zoning (not an overlay) must be residential, and the density set to the minimum required by Section 65583.2 even if an applicable overlay allows for densities higher than the base zoning.


Based on Government Code Section 65583.2(h), County Counsel and OC Development Services recommend a zoning code amendment to establish a minimum density of 30 du/ac and a zone change to rezone commercial, two family residential, and residential professional zoning designations to “Mixed-Use.” A list of the proposed changes to both the General Plan and Zoning Code are summarized below.


The "Mixed-Use" Zoning District (MX) will facilitate the vertical and horizontal mixing of retail, office, and multifamily residential uses and the development of mixed-use buildings accommodating both high-density residential and employment activities. The Mixed-Use district will allow the development of commercial uses with a minimum of 50 percent multifamily residential or the development of 100 percent multifamily residential.


To gain certification of the HE and comply with statutory and caselaw requirements, OC Development Services is proposing the following amendments and changes summarized below:


Proposed General Plan Amendment LU 24-01, Zoning Code Amendment CA 24-01, and Zone Change ZC 24-01 (collectively, Amendments)


General Plan Amendment LU 24-01– Land Use Element (Attachment E)



Revise language to be consistent with the proposed rezone of commercial zoning districts to mixed-use zoning districts.


Revise language to be consistent with the proposed changes to the HOO District Regulations.


Zoning Code Amendment CA 24-01 (Attachment F)



Amend development standards for sites zoned Multifamily Dwellings (R2), Apartment (R3), and Suburban Multifamily Residential (R4) to require a minimum density of 30 du/ac and maximum density of 43.5 du/ac.


Amend HOO to apply Mixed-Use Zoning District.


Amend requirement for Site Development Permit for affordable sites and allow by-right approval, “Affordable Housing Permit” to meet “by-right approval” state-mandated requirement.


Technical revisions and updates to comply with State Law.


Zone Change ZC 24-01 (Attachment G)



All Commercially Zoned (Local Business (C1), General Business (C2), Commercial Community (CC), Commercial Highway (CH), and Commercial Neighborhood (CN) zoning designations sites will be rezoned to Mixed Use with the minimum density of 30 du/acre. Apartment (R3) development standards for residential projects will apply to 100% residential projects. The regulations for Mixed Use will require that 100% residential or at least 50% residential be allowed on these sites pursuant to Section 65583.2(h).


All Residential Professional (RP) zoned sites will be rezoned to Mixed Use with a minimum of 50% residential required. Apartment (R3) development standards for residential projects will apply to 100% residential projects.


All Two Family Residential (R2D) zoned sites will be rezoned to Multifamily Dwellings (R2) (for areas in Stanton/ Anaheim) or Suburban Multifamily Residential (R4) (for areas in El Modena).


Rezone 8 parcels making up the La Purisima Church in El Modena to Suburban Multifamily Residential (R4).


Due to location constraints, the following commercially zoned parcels are explicitly exempted from Zone Change 24-01 and will maintain their current zoning:


Costa Mesa Island – Parcels zoned for commercial uses

Silverado Canyon – Parcels zoned for commercial uses along Silverado Canyon Road

Banning Ranch – Parcels zoned for commercial uses along Pacific Coast Highway


With the adoption of these Amendments, the County can likely meet the RHNA for all income categories. The goal is to complete the rezonings and amendments, make all necessary revisions to the HE, and re-submit to HCD no later than the end of September 2024. 




On March 19, 2024, the County mailed approximately 2,300 letters to the owners of the properties that will be affected by the Amendments.  The letter contained information regarding the proposed Amendments and an invitation to attend the Planning Commission Study Session held on April 10, 2024, for more information.


The County website was updated to include information regarding the proposed Amendments.  It includes information regarding the need for the proposed changes and provides a list and maps of the affected parcels.  Here is the link to this webpage:


Notices were sent to owners of the affected properties prior to the Board hearing.


Planning Commission (PC) Action


On May 8, 2024, the PC held a public hearing and considered the proposed Amendments and voted to adopt PC Resolution No. 2024-01 (Attachment H), which recommends adoption by the Board of the Amendments.  Notices were again sent to owners affected by the Amendments prior to the Planning Commission hearing.


Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC) Action


At its regular meeting held on May 16, 2024, the ALUC considered the County’s proposed Amendments and by unanimous vote, found the proposed Amendments consistent with the Airport Environs Land Use Plan (AELUP) for John Wayne Airport (JWA) and the AELUP for Los Alamitos Joint Forces Training Base (JFTB). (Attachment I)




Find the circumstances of this project are substantially the same as Initial Study/Negative Declaration (IS/ND) No. IP 22-0133 approved by the Board of Supervisors on September 27, 2022, and Addendum No. 1 IS/ND No. IP 22-0133 which includes minor changes or additions necessary, and both documents adequately address the effects of the proposed Project. No substantial changes have been made in the Project, no substantial changes have occurred in the circumstances under which the Project is being undertaken, and no new information of substantial importance to the Project which was not known or could not have been known when IS/ND No. IP 22-0133, and Addendum No. 1 to IS/ND No. IP 22-0133, were adopted have become known; therefore, no further environmental review is required.














OC Public Works




Attachment A – Final Negative Declaration No. IP 22-0133 and Addendum No. 1 to Initial Study/Negative Declaration No. IP 22-0133
Attachment B – Board of Supervisors Resolution and Exhibits – LU 24-01 (combined)
Attachment C – Board of Supervisors Ordinance and Exhibits - ZCA 24-01/ZC 24-01 (combined)
Attachment D – State HCD comment letter received on September 28, 2023
Attachment E – Proposed General Plan Amendment LU 24-01 – Land Use Element (Strikethrough Version)
Attachment F – Proposed Zoning Code Amendment CA 24-01 (Strikethrough Version)
Attachment G – Proposed Zone Change ZC 24-01 (Maps 1 through 7)
Attachment H – Planning Commission Resolution No. 2024-01
Attachment I – ALUC Finding of Consistency (May 16, 2024)
Attachment J-Board of Supervisors Resolution
Attachment K-Board of Supervisors Ordinance
Attachment L-Government Code Section 65583.2