Control 24-000448 |
06/25/24 |
legal entity taking action: |
of Supervisors |
board of supervisors district(s): |
Districts |
SUBMITTING Agency/Department: |
Community Resources (Approved) |
Department contact person(s): |
Wright (714) 480-2788 |
Bidwell (714) 480-2991 |
Subject: Concurrence
with Orange County Housing Finance Trust 2024 Recommended Projects
ceo CONCUR |
County Counsel Review |
Clerk of the
Board |
Concur |
No Legal Objection |
Consent Calendar |
3 Votes Board Majority |
Budgeted: N/A |
Year Cost: N/A |
Cost: N/A |
No |
of Positions: |
Source: N/A |
Current Fiscal Year Revenue: N/A
Prior Board Action: 4/25/2023 #25, 12/20/2022 #19,
6/28/2022 #37, 5/19/2020 #54 |
Concur with the
recommended housing projects using allocated County of Orange funds and as
approved by the Orange County Housing Finance Trust, as described in Attachment
Concurrence with
the recommended housing projects using allocated County of Orange funds as
approved by the Orange County Housing Finance Trust will support the
development of affordable and supportive housing in Orange County.
On June 25, 2019,
the Board of Supervisors (Board) appropriated $5 million as part of the
approved Fiscal Year (FY) 2019-20 Budget for the Orange County Housing Finance
Trust (Trust) to support the development of affordable and supportive housing
throughout Orange County. The Trust was formed as a joint powers authority between
the County of Orange (County) and cities (currently 26 cities) throughout
Orange County. The Trust was created for the purpose of funding housing,
specifically assisting persons experiencing homelessness and households of
extremely low, very low and low income within Orange County.
On May 19, 2020,
the Board approved two Grant Agreements with the Trust to provide a legally
binding commitment which was needed to apply for additional funding under the
State Local Housing Trust Fund (LHTF) Program for the development of affordable
and supportive housing: (1) the Grant Agreement between the County and Trust
allocating $20.5 million in Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) and the
previously appropriated $5 million in County general funds over a five year
period as dedicated and matching funds to the Trust for development of
affordable and supportive housing; and (2) the County Administrative Costs
Grant Agreement, allocating $200,000 per year in County general funds for a
minimum of five years for a total of $1 million for the County’s contribution
toward the administrative cost allocation for Trust members adopted by the
Trust Board of Directors (Trust Board). The Grant Agreement required the Trust
to coordinate with the OC Health Care Agency and OC Community Resources (OCCR)
staff for administration of County allocated funding for supportive housing,
including review of requests/applications for funding and services. The Grant
Agreement also required the Trust to submit recommended projects utilizing
County General Fund and/or MHSA funding to the Board for concurrence prior to
committing and disbursing funds for a project.
June 28, 2022, the Board approved the FY 2022-23 MHSA Three-Year Program and
Expenditure Plan, which included an additional $40 million for the development
of supportive housing for eligible MHSA households, of which $10 million of the
$40 million in appropriated MHSA funds were allocated to the Trust for
development of affordable and/or supportive housing. On April 25, 2023, the
Board approved the Amended and Restated Grant Agreement between the County and
the Trust, transferring an additional $10 million in MHSA funds upon execution
of the Agreement, through July 31, 2028, to act as matching funds for the
development of affordable and supportive housing.
Since its
formation, the Trust has issued five Notices of Funding Availability (NOFAs)
making funding available to promote the new construction or
acquisition/rehabilitation of affordable and/or supportive housing for
extremely low-income households in Orange County. The Trust has committed to
funding 20 affordable housing projects which has helped finance 1,440
affordable housing units (see Attachment A). In addition to the County funding,
the Trust has applied for and been awarded over $34 million in grant funding
from the State of California, Federal Department of Housing and Urban
Development, CalOptima, Orange County Council of Governments and Southern
California Association of Governments.
On January 26,
2024, the Trust released the 2024 NOFA. On February 12, 2024, Trust staff met
with developers for a NOFA presentation and question and answer session. The
NOFA deadline was March 15, 2024, and a total of nine applications were
received requesting $22,178,800 in funding. OCCR is returning to the Board for
concurrence with the Trust’s recommended housing projects approved by the Trust
Board on May 15, 2024, using allocated County funds (see Attachment B). Funding
awards for projects receiving 2024 LHTF funds will be contingent until the
Trust receives an award from the State Department of Housing and Community
Development (HCD) for those funds. Concurrence with the recommended housing
projects will continue to support the Trust’s ongoing administration of County
funding, match funding under the LHTF Program and other leveraged funding
sources, thereby increasing the amount of subsidy funding for affordable
housing in Orange County. All uses of the MHSA funds by the Trust will be in
accordance with the applicable provisions of the Grant Agreement between the
County and Trust.
The recommended action in this Agenda
Staff Report supports the 2022 Housing Funding Strategy Update received and
filed by the Board on December 20, 2022, which outlines the recommendations for
a strategic approach to achieve an updated goal of developing 2,396 supportive
housing units by 2029. The recommended housing projects will follow the best
practices, guiding principles and commitments of the Homeless Service System
Pillars Report, which was created by the Commission to End Homelessness and
received and filed by the Board on October 4, 2022.
with CEQA:
This action is not a project within the meaning of CEQA Guidelines Section
15378 and is therefore not subject to CEQA, since it does not have the
potential for resulting in either a direct physical change in the environment
or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. The
approval of this agenda item does not commit the County to a definite course of
action regarding a project since it is for concurrence with projects using
allocated County of Orange funds as approved by the Trust to allow for the
continued investment to support the production and operation of affordable and
supportive housing in Orange County. This proposed activity is therefore not
subject to CEQA. Any future action connected to this approval that constitutes
a project will be reviewed for compliance with CEQA.
OC Health Care Agency
Office of Care Coordination
Attachment A – Orange County
Housing Finance Trust Funded Projects
Attachment B - Recommended Orange County Housing Finance Trust 2024 NOFA
Projects with County Funding