Agenda Item   



                                                                                                                        ASR Control  24-000269




legal entity taking action:

Board of Supervisors and Orange County Housing Authority

board of supervisors district(s):


SUBMITTING Agency/Department:

OC Community Resources   (Approved)

Department contact person(s):

Dylan Wright (714) 480-2788 



Julia Bidwell (714) 480-2991



Subject:  Approve Agreements for Mendocino at Talega I and II Resyndications


      ceo CONCUR

County Counsel Review

Clerk of the Board


Approved Agreement to Form




3 Votes Board Majority




    Budgeted: N/A

Current Year Cost:               N/A

Annual Cost: N/A




    Staffing Impact:


# of Positions:                       

Sole Source:   N/A

    Current Fiscal Year Revenue: N/A

   Funding Source:                 N/A

County Audit in last 3 years: No

   Levine Act Review Completed: Yes


    Prior Board Action:         5/21/2002 #42, 3/20/2001 #44





Acting as the Board of Supervisors:



Approve Assignment and Assumption Agreements to assign the County $500,000 HOME Investment Partnerships Program Loan and Regulatory Agreement with Jamboree-Tal Housing, L.P. to a new limited partnership, Amistad Housing Partners I LP., upon resyndication and new tax-exempt bond financing for Mendocino at Talega I.



Approve Amended and Restated Regulatory Agreement for the $500,000 HOME Investment Partnerships Program loan for Mendocino at Talega I to extend affordability period for 55 years.



Approve Subordination Agreements for Mendocino at Talega I to subordinate the County $500,000 HOME Investment Partnerships Program loan plus accrued interest to a new first trust deed loan of approximately $21 million at construction financing and $10.6 million at permanent financing and a second trust deed loan of approximately $6.3 million plus accrued interest at construction and permanent financing, with the ability to increase 10 percent due to an increase of construction costs, as set forth in this Agenda Staff Report, and authorize the OC Community Resources Director or designee to subordinate to additional senior debt up to 100 percent of the cumulative loan to value based on the as-built appraised market value, if necessary, based on any future changes in the project financing.



Authorize the OC Community Resources Director or designee to execute subordination agreements; assignment and assumption agreements; an amended and restated set of loan documents and restrictive covenants; and such additional agreements, contracts, instructions and instruments necessary or appropriate for construction and permanent loan financing for Mendocino at Talega I.



Approve waiving the requirement for a $5,000 deposit and pay down of the outstanding $500,000 HOME Investment Partnerships Program loan amount by one percent of the current outstanding balance under the transfer provisions of the Loan and Regulatory Agreement for Mendocino at Talega I.


Acting as the Board of Commissioners to the Orange County Housing Authority:



Approve Assignment and Assumption Agreements to assign the Housing Successor $2,423,384 Loan and Regulatory Agreement with Jamboree-Tal Housing, L.P. to a new limited partnership, Amistad Housing Partners I LP., upon resyndication and new tax-exempt bond financing for Mendocino at Talega I.



Approve Amended and Restated Regulatory Agreement for the Housing Successor $2,423,384 loan for Mendocino at Talega I to extend the affordability period for 55 years.



Approve Subordination Agreements for Mendocino at Talega I to subordinate the Housing Successor $2,423,384 loan plus accrued interest to a new first trust deed loan of approximately $21 million at construction financing and $10.6 million at permanent financing and a second trust deed loan of approximately $6.3 million plus accrued interest at construction and permanent financing, with the ability to increase 10 percent due to an increase of construction costs, as set forth in this Agenda Staff Report, and authorize the Orange County Housing Authority Executive Director or designee to subordinate to additional senior debt up to 100 percent of the cumulative loan to value based on the as-built appraised market value, if necessary, based on any future changes in the project financing.



Approve Assignment and Assumption Agreement to assign the Housing Successor $728,176 Loan and Regulatory Agreements with Jamboree-Tal II Housing, L.P. to a new limited partnership, Amistad Housing Partners II LP., upon resyndication and new tax-exempt bond financing for Mendocino at Talega II.



Approve Amended and Restated Regulatory Agreement for the $728,176 Housing Successor loan for Mendocino at Talega II to extend the affordability period for another 55 years.



Approve Subordination Agreements for Mendocino at Talega II to subordinate the Housing Successor $728,176 loan plus accrued interest to a new first trust deed loan of approximately $11.5 million at construction financing and $6.5 million at permanent financing and approximately $4.7 million plus accrued interest at permanent financing; with the ability to increase 10 percent due to an increase of construction costs, as set forth in this Agenda Staff Report, and authorize the Orange County Housing Authority Executive Director or designee to subordinate to additional senior debt up to 100 percent of the cumulative loan to value based on the as-built appraised market value, if necessary, based on any future changes in the project financing.



Approve waiving the requirement for a $5,000 deposit and pay down of the outstanding $2,423,384 Housing Successor loan for Mendocino at Talega I and $728,176 loan for Mendocino at Talega II by one percent of the current outstanding balance under the transfer provisions of the Loan and Regulatory Agreement for Mendocino at Talega II.



Authorize the Orange County Housing Authority Executive Director or designee to execute subordination agreements; assignment and assumption agreements; an amended and restated set of loan documents and restrictive covenants; and such additional agreements, contracts, instructions and instruments necessary or appropriate for construction and permanent loan financing for Mendocino at Talega I and Mendocino at Talega II.







Approval of the recommended actions related to Mendocino at Talega I and Talega II will support additional investments in these properties, allowing completion of necessary improvements and repairs for the continued operation of 186 rent and income restricted affordable housing units within Orange County for another 55 years.





On March 20, 2001, the Board of Supervisors (Board) approved a combined loan commitment in the amount of $500,000 in HOME Improvement Partnerships Program (HOME) funds and $3,151,821 in Orange County Development Agency (OCDA) funds to Jamboree Housing Corporation, Inc. (Jamboree) for the construction and development of 124 large-family affordable rental housing units, Mendocino at Talega I (Talega I), and 62 large-family affordable rental housing units, Mendocino at Talega II (Talega II), located at 1123 Calle Amistad in the City of San Clemente. All units at Talega I and II are restricted to households with incomes between 40 percent and 60 percent of the area median income.


On May 21, 2002, the Board approved increases to the previously approved OCDA loans to a revised amount of $2,953,438 for Talega I and $728,176 for Talega II. The Board also approved and authorized subordination of the Talega I OCDA loan to a First Deed of Trust in the amount of $4.8 million, State of California Multi-Family Housing Program (MHP) loan of $4.5 million and a Federal Home Bank loan of $837,000 and subordination of the Talega II OCDA loan to a First Deed of Trust in the amount of $3 million and MHP loan of $3.3 million. The Orange County Housing Authority (OCHA) is now the Housing Successor Agency (HSA) overseeing the former OCDA funds.


The original 15-year Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) compliance period for these projects has ended and Jamboree is resyndicating (i.e., the process of seeking a new reservation of tax credits to preserve an existing LIHTC project) Talega I and Talega II with new four percent tax-exempt bond allocations with a bond closing deadline of June 17, 2024. With resyndication, the owner can use the new tax credit proceeds for rehabilitation and upgrades to address life and safety or accessibility concerns and/or make an older property more marketable and sustainable. The affordability of the project will also get extended through the process of resyndication. Jamboree is also working on securing approvals from the City of San Clemente for these resyndications and necessary subordinations prior to the June 17, 2024 deadline.


For Talega I, Jamboree is requesting: approval of the Assignment and Assumption Agreements to assign the Talega I HSA and HOME loan and regulatory agreements from the current partnership entity, Jamboree-Tal Housing, L.P., to the new project limited partnership, Amistad Housing Partners I, LP. formed by JHC-Amistad LLC, the Managing General Partner, whose sole member is Jamboree, and the Investor Limited Partner (Attachments B, C, D and E); approval of the Amended and Restated Regulatory Agreements to extend the term of the affordability period for another 55 years (Attachments F and G); approval of the Subordination Agreements to subordinate the Talega I HOME loans to a First Deed of Trust in the amount of approximately $19 million at construction financing and $8.6 million at permanent financing and a second trust deed loan of approximately $6.3 million at construction and permanent financing (Attachments H, I, J and K).


For Talega II, Jamboree is requesting: approval of the Assignment and Assumption Agreements to assign the Talega II OCDA loan and regulatory agreements from the current partnership entity, Jamboree-Tal II Housing, L.P., to the new project limited partnership, Amistad Housing Partners II, LP., formed by JHC-Amistad II LLC, the Managing General Partner, whose sole member is Jamboree, and the Investor Limited Partner (Attachment L and M); approval of the Amended and Restated Regulatory Agreement to extend the term of the affordability period for another 55 years (Attachment N); approval of the Subordination Agreements to subordinate the Talega II HSA loan to a First Deed of Trust in the amount of approximately $10.5 million at construction financing and $5.5 million plus accrued interest at permanent financing and a second trust deed loan of approximately $4.7 million at permanent financing (Attachments O and P).


These approvals will allow Jamboree to complete the resyndication process for Talega I and Talega II by the California Debt Limit Allocation Committee (CDLAC) deadline to ensure the ongoing economic viability of the properties throughout the 15-year LIHTC compliance period. The original CDLAC readiness deadline was June 17, 2024, but CDLAC approved a 90-day extension at their May 15, 2024 meeting which will allow Jamboree to close on the resyndications by mid-September. Jamboree will be making improvements to the property to be in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), including accessible paths of travel for the entire property and accessibility features for the visually and hearing impaired. Additional scope of work includes revised bathroom and kitchen layouts in all 48 ground floor units, improvements to the trash enclosure and laundry rooms and replacement of the plumbing system.


As part of the resyndication of Talega I and Talega II, Jamboree is also requesting a waiver of the transfer provision under Section 7.7 of the Loan Agreements which will: (1) allow the County of Orange (County) to collect a $5,000 deposit to defray the County's review and out of pocket expenses and costs and (2) require the pay down of the outstanding loan by one percent of the current outstanding balance due. These two requirements will create a financial burden for these properties as they do not have an ongoing rental or operating subsidy, such as project-based vouchers, and have had constrained cashflows during the 20 years in operations, preventing Jamboree from being able to pay down the loans. These assumed loans, including the accrued interest, are now about 50 percent larger than the principal amount. Jamboree also found that the required scope of work required to assure compliance with Fair Housing Law and ADA requirements was more extensive than originally anticipated. While the waiver will not offset the costs related to addressing the additional scope of work or guarantee Jamboree the ability to pay down more debt, it will make it more feasible. In addition to any potential annual residual receipts payments owed to the County as a soft lender, these loans, including accrued interest and the one percent pay down that is currently being waived, will be repaid as the loans become due and payable. Additionally, these resyndications will also extend the County’s affordability terms on these two properties and preserve these 186 affordable units for another 55 years.


Below are the financial summary highlights of the Construction and Permanent Financing proposed for Talega I:


Construction Source of Funds

Funding Amount

Tax Exempt Bond


Construction Loan – Taxable Tail


State HCD – MHP Loan (assumed)


County of Orange – HSA (formerly OCDA) Loan (assumed)


County of Orange – HOME Loan (assumed)


City of San Clemente Loan (assumed)


Seller Carryback Note


Replacement Reserves


Operating Reserves/Short Term Work Credit


Deferred Developer Fee and Other Costs


Tax Credit Equity (GP/LP Equity)


Net Operating Income During Construction


Total Sources of Funds



Permanent Sources of Funds

Funding Amount

Conventional Permanent Loan


State HCD – MHP Loan (assumed)


City of San Clemente Loan (assumed)


County of Orange – OCDA Loan (assumed)


County of Orange – HOME Loan (assumed)


Seller Carryback Note


Replacement Reserves


Operating Reserves/Short Term Work Credit


Deferred Developer Fee and Other Costs


Tax Credit Equity (GP/LP Equity)


Net Operating Income During Construction


Total Sources of Funds



Below are the financial summary highlights of the Construction and Permanent Financing proposed for Talega II:


Construction Source of Funds

Funding Amount

Tax Exempt Bond


Construction Loan – Taxable Tail


State HCD – MHP Loan (assumed)


County of Orange – OCDA Loan (assumed)


City of San Clemente Loan (assumed)


Seller Carryback Note


Replacement Reserves


Deferred Developer Fee and Other Costs


Tax Credit Equity (GP/LP Equity)


Net Operating Income During Construction


Total Sources of Funds



Permanent Sources of Funds

Funding Amount

Conventional Permanent Loan


State HCD – MHP Loan (assumed)


City of San Clemente Loan (assumed)


County of Orange – OCDA Loan (assumed)


Seller Carryback Note


Replacement Reserves


Operating Reserves


Deferred Developer Fee and Other Costs


Tax Credit Equity (GP/LP Equity)


Net Operating Income During Construction


Total Sources of Funds



Jamboree has been in operation for over 34 years and is an experienced developer, owner and operator of affordable housing. With an asset portfolio of $3.2 billion and over 10,000 affordable homes in more than 100 properties, Jamboree is one of the largest nonprofit builders of quality affordable housing in California and among the nation’s top 20 largest nonprofit developers of affordable housing.


Approval of the requests and recommended actions related to Talega I and Talega II will allow Jamboree to make much needed improvements and repairs to the properties through the new tax-exempt bond financing. It would also preserve the County’s affordability restrictions on the 186 units at Talega I and Talega II and allow for continued operation and maintenance of these units for another 55 years.


The County loans are current, and Jamboree is not in default with any of its lenders. Talega I and Talega II are both being operated in compliance with all regulatory agreements. OC Community Resources staff has reviewed and recommends approval of the recommended actions for Talega I and Talega II.


Compliance with CEQA: This action is not a project within the meaning of CEQA Guidelines Section 15378 and is therefore not subject to CEQA, since it does not have the potential for resulting in either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. The approval of this agenda item does not commit the County to a definite course of action regarding the project since it is for approval of the assignment of existing County debt and affordability restrictions on Talega I and Talega II to new project limited partnerships with new tax-exempt bond financing related to the continued operation of 186 affordable housing units within Orange County. This proposed activity is therefore not subject to CEQA. Any future action connected to this approval that constitutes a project will be reviewed for compliance with CEQA.


Compliance with NEPA: The proposed activity is Exempt per 24 Code of Federal Regulations part 58.34 (a)(3).















Attachment A – Code of Federal Regulations Title 24 Part 58.34(a)(3)
Attachment B – Assignment and Assumption Agreement for $500,000 HOME Loan Agreement (Talega I)
Attachment C – Assignment and Assumption Agreement for HOME Regulatory Agreement (Talega I)
Attachment D – Assignment and Assumption Agreement for $2,423,384 Housing Successor Loan Agreement (Talega I)
Attachment E – Assignment and Assumption Agreement for $2,423,384 Housing Successor Regulatory Agreement (Talega I)
Attachment F – Amended and Restated Regulatory Agreement for $500,000 HOME Loan (Talega I)
Attachment G – Amended and Restated Regulatory Agreement $2,423,384 Housing Successor Loan (Talega I)
Attachment H – Subordination Agreement with First Trust Deed for $500,000 HOME Loan (Talega I)
Attachment I – Subordination Agreement with California Department of Housing and Community Development for $500,000 HOME Loan and Regulatory Agreement (Talega I)
Attachment J – Subordination Agreement with First Trust Deed for Agreement $2,423,384 Housing Successor Loan (Talega I)
Attachment K – Subordination Agreement with California Department of Housing and Community Development for $2,423,384 Housing Successor Loan and Regulatory Agreement (Talega I)
Attachment L – Assignment and Assumption Agreement for $728,176 Housing Successor Loan Agreement (Talega II)
Attachment M – Assignment and Assumption Agreement for $728,176 Housing Successor Regulatory Agreement (Talega II)
Attachment N – Amended and Restated Regulatory Agreement for $728,176 Housing Successor Loan (Talega II)
Attachment O – Subordination Agreement with First Trust Deed for Agreement $728,176 Housing Successor Loan (Talega II)
Attachment P – Subordination Agreement with California Department of Housing and Community Development for $728,176 Housing Successor Loan and Regulatory Agreement (Talega II)