Control 23-000123 |
04/25/23 |
legal entity taking action: |
of Supervisors |
board of supervisors district(s): |
Districts |
SUBMITTING Agency/Department: |
Services Agency (Approved) |
Department contact person(s): |
Turtzer (714) 541-7734 |
Tran (714) 541-7708 |
Subject: Approve Amendment One to Contract
for Independent Living Services
ceo CONCUR |
County Counsel Review |
Clerk of the Board |
Concur |
Agreement to Form |
Discussion |
Votes Board Majority |
Budgeted: Yes |
Current Year
Cost: N/A |
Annual Cost: FY 2023-24 $1,224,768 |
Staffing Impact: |
No |
# of Positions: |
Sole Source: No |
Current Fiscal Year Revenue: N/A
Prior Board Action: 4/26/2022 #39 |
Authorize the County Procurement
Officer or Deputized designee to execute Amendment One to Contract with
Orangewood Foundation for Independent Living Program Services to increase
funding by $2,449,536, effective July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2025, for a new
cumulative total not to exceed $5,291,688.
Approval of Amendment One to the
Contract with Orangewood Foundation for Independent Living Program Services
will expand services to youth and young adults placed in out-of-home care
through independent living skills training, comprehensive support services and
resources needed to transition to self-sufficiency.
The Social Services Agency (SSA) is
requesting the Board of Supervisors’ (Board) approval of Amendment One to the
Contract with Orangewood Foundation for Independent Living Program (ILP)
ILP Services provide access to an
array of services, resources, skills training and coaching to support
participants’ successful transition to adulthood and socioeconomic security
upon exiting the foster care system. Youth in out-of-home foster care on or
after their sixteenth birthday are typically eligible for ILP Services at least
through their twenty-first birthday, although this may be extended by state and
federal regulations. In 2021, the expansion of the Housing Navigators Program
(HNP) and Transitional Housing Program (THP) extended housing stability
supports such as moving supplies, rental and utility deposits, youth assistance
and basic needs supports to participants through their twenty-fifth birthday.
On April 26, 2022, the Board
approved the ILP Contract with Orangewood Foundation with a maximum obligation
of $2,842,152 for the term of July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2025. Amendment
One increases Housing Navigators Program (HNP) and Transitional Housing Program
(THP) funds and adds new Housing Navigation and Maintenance Program (HNMP)
grant funds through the California Department of Housing and Community
Development (HCD). Orangewood Foundation will be using the funding to hire an
Assistant Director of ILP Services, Housing Identification Coordinator and Data
Analyst in addition to increasing existing staff positions with direct
participant interaction. New staff will assist participants in obtaining and
retaining housing, advocate for participants through rental negotiations and
landlord training and assist in the management of rental funds and reporting
requirements. The new staff will work to ensure individualized goals contained
in each participant's ILP service plan are successfully met, and SSA will track
these results through monthly reporting. See Attachment C for the updated
budget breakdown.
The Orange County Preference Policy
is not applicable to this Contract Amendment.
This Contract does not currently include
subcontractors or pass through to other providers. See Attachment C for
Contract Summary Form.
The proposed Amendment does not change the
outcomes objectives established in the Contract approved by the Board on April
26, 2022. Orangewood has been successful in incorporating the Casey Life Skills
(CLS) Assessment into the program and is currently exceeding outcome
benchmarks. CLS assesses the independent skills youth need to achieve their
long-term goals and guides youth toward developing healthy, productive lives. See
Attachment D for more information.
Appropriations for this Amendment will be
included in the Budget Control 063, Social Services Agency FY 2023-24 Budget
and will be included in the budgeting process for future years.
This Contract is funded by federal 3
percent, state 95 percent and County of Orange (County) General Fund 2 percent.
Federal and state funding is provided through ILP and Child Welfare Services
(CWS) funds. State dollars comprise 2011 Realignment, THP, HNP, Supportive
Therapeutic Options Program (STOP) and HNMP funds. County General Fund will be
used towards the required match to access federal and state funding.
Funding by Program |
Program |
Usage |
Federal |
State |
General Fund |
Total |
11.34% |
$126,000 |
474,000 |
$ 0 |
600,000 |
6.24% |
$ 0 |
231,000 |
99,000 |
330,000 |
9.62% |
20,353 |
468,115 |
20,353 |
508,821 |
5.40% |
$ 0 |
286,000 |
$ 0 |
286,000 |
46.06% |
$ 0 |
$2,437,493 |
$ 0 |
$2,437,493 |
21.34% |
$ 0 |
$1,129,374 |
$ 0 |
$1,129,374 |
Total |
$146,353 |
$5,025,982 |
$119,353 |
$5,291,688 |
Funding Ratio |
100% |
3% |
95% |
2% |
Contingency of Funds
The Contract includes provisions that the
Contract is contingent upon the availability of funds and inclusion of
sufficient funds in the budget approved by the Board for each fiscal year the
Contract remains in effect or operation. In the event such funding is
terminated or reduced, the County may terminate the Contract, reduce the
County’s maximum obligation or modify the Contract, without penalty.
A - Amendment One to Contract #CJP3422 with Orangewood Foundation
Attachment B - Redline to Contract #CJP3422 with Orangewood Foundation
Attachment C - Contract Summary Form
Attachment D - ILP Outcomes