Agenda Item   



                                                                                                                        ASR Control  21-001048




legal entity taking action:

Board of Supervisors

board of supervisors district(s):

All Districts

SUBMITTING Agency/Department:

County Executive Office   (Approved)

Department contact person(s):

Oana Cosma  (714) 834-7410 



Kimberly Engelby  (714) 834-3530



Subject:  FY 2021-22 Mid-Year Budget Report


     ceo CONCUR

County Counsel Review

Clerk of the Board


No Legal Objection




4/5 Vote




    Budgeted: N/A

Current Year Cost: N/A

Annual Cost: N/A




    Staffing Impact:

See Staffing Impact Section

# of Positions:

Sole Source: N/A

    Current Fiscal Year Revenue: N/A

  Funding Source: N/A

County Audit in last 3 years: No



    Prior Board Action: N/A




A four-fifths vote is required on Recommended Actions One, Two, and Five.  The requested appropriation, revenue, transfers in/out and reserve changes are summarized in this section of the report in the Budget Adjustment Summary document.  The requested position changes are summarized in the Position Change Summary.  



Direct the Auditor-Controller to revise appropriations, revenues, transfers in/out, reserves and obligated fund balances as detailed in the Budget Adjustment Summary in accordance with Government Code Sections 29130, 29125 and 25252. (Requires four-fifths vote)



Authorize the Auditor-Controller to revise Departments’ American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) appropriations and revenues and perform the budgetary actions identified in the Budget Issues Section. (Requires four-fifths vote)



Direct County Executive Office-Human Resource Services to amend the master position control, subject to final classification review, as detailed in the Position Change Summary.



Direct the Auditor-Controller to make payment from Fund 12J to the entities and up to amounts as summarized in the table included in the Budget Issues section of this report and upon receipt of approved payment request forms from the County Executive Office.



Direct Auditor-Controller to close the Pension Obligation Bond Debt Service Fund 15J, and transfer any residual balances to Miscellaneous, Budget Control 004. (Requires four-fifths vote)



Approve the addition of events to the FY 2021-22 County Event Calendar, as set forth in Attachment C, and per Government Code Section 26227, find that the events therein will serve a public purpose of the County of Orange and will meet the social needs of the population of the County, including but not limited to, the areas of health, law enforcement, public safety, rehabilitation, welfare, education, and legal services, and the needs of physically, mentally and financially handicapped persons and aged persons; that County staff and resources may be used in furtherance of such events; and that County staff may solicit donations of funds and services for such events.



Approve the FY 2022-23 budget adoption schedule as follows:  (a) The FY 2022-23 Recommended Budget will be available to the public on or before May 25, 2022; (b) A notice stating that the Recommended Budget is available to members of the public and the time and place of the public hearing will be published on or before May 25, 2022; (c) On June 14, 2022, or no later than June 27, the Board shall conduct the public budget hearing on the Recommended Budget; and (d) By June 28, or no later than June 30, 2022, the Board shall adopt the FY 2022-23 Budget by resolution.



Effective January 28, 2022, approve revised classification specification and adjust pay grade for Pumping Station Operator (Title Code 3521OS, Salary Range T-29).



Effective January 28, 2022, approve revised title descriptions and classification specifications, and adjust pay grade for Chief Veterinarian (Title Code 5154SM, Salary Range C-62).



Effective January 28, 2022, approve new title description and classification specification, and set pay grade for Supervising Registered Veterinary Technician (Title Code: 5921SM, Salary Range C-31).



Effective January 28, 2022, approve revised title description and classification specification, and adjust pay grade for Tax Services Technician (Title Code 0505CL, Salary Range C-16), and approve new title descriptions and classification specifications, and set pay grades for Tax Services Technician Trainee (Title Code 0502CL, Salary Range C-13) and Senior Tax Services Technician (Title Code 0506CL, Salary Range C-20).



Effective January 28, 2022, approve revised classification specification, and adjust pay grade for Licensed Vocational Nurse (Title Code 4108HP, Salary Range C-19).



Effective January 28, 2022, approve revised classification specification, and adjust pay grade for Behavioral Health Nurse (Title Code 4175HP, Salary Range C-43).



Effective January 28, 2022, approve revised title descriptions and classification specifications, and adjust pay grades for Registered Nurse (Title Code 4143HP, Salary Range C-37) and Sr. Registered Nurse (Title Code 4144HP, Salary Range C-39).



Effective January 28, 2022, approve revised title descriptions and classification specification, and adjust pay grades for Public Health Nurse Trainee (Title Code 4181HP, Salary Range C-40), Public Health Nurse (Title Code 4185HP, Salary Range C-44), Lead Public Health Nurse (Title Code 4188SM, Salary Range C-46), and Supervising Public Health Nurse (Title Code 4189SM, Salary Range C-48).



Effective January 28, 2022, approve deletion of Public Health Nurse II (Title Code 4182HP) and Senior Public Health Nurse (Title Code 4186HP) classification titles and direct Human Resource Services to remove the deleted classifications from all Orange County Classification Plan documents.



Effective January 28, 2022, approve and adopt the attached Side Letter Agreement between the County of Orange and the Orange County Employees Association, included as Attachment D.



Effective January 28, 2022, approve revised classification specification, and adjust pay grades for Nurse Practitioner I (Title Code 4151HP, Salary Range C-48), and Nurse Practitioner II (Title Code 4152HP, Salary Code C-53).



Effective January 28, 2022, approve deletion of Supervising Animal Control Services Representative (Title Code 5918SM) classification title and direct Human Resource Services to remove the obsolete classification from all Orange County Classification Plan documents.



Effective January 28, 2022, approve and adopt revised ML-E salary schedule, as detailed in Attachment E.








The Mid-Year Budget Report provides the Board of Supervisors, members of the public, County departments and other interested parties with an overview of the current status of revenues, expenditures, Net County Cost, total budgeted positions and various departmental issues requiring recommended changes to the County's budget.







The following components of the FY 2021-22 Mid-Year Budget Report for Board of Supervisors consideration can be found in Attachment A:


Executive Summary

Budget Issues

Human Resources Issues, including:


Position Summary


Vacant Positions – Aged


Recommended Actions


Budget Adjustment Summary


Position Change Summary


Classification Maintenance Studies


Recommended Actions


Classification Summaries


Classification Specifications


FY 2021-22 County Event Calendar Additions


The County of Orange uses the OpenOC Data Tool, which is a web-based software providing increased transparency and easy access to finance and budget information.  Supplemental expense and revenue data are available by accessing the OpenOC link:  Budget and actual reports, as of December 31, 2021, can be viewed using the Budget Report – Report Links found on the left-hand side of the web page.






Please see Attachment A for Financial Impact detail.






Detailed departmental position change request information is included in the Budget Issues section of Attachment A, including a summarization of Department requests to add positions.  The position change summary of Attachment A documents the specific positions and position titles.











Attachment A - FY 2021-22 Mid-Year Budget Report
Attachment B - Government Code Sections
Attachment C - County Events Calendar
Attachment D – Side Letter Agreement Between the County of Orange and the Orange County Employees
Attachment E - Proposed ML-E Salary Schedule